Monday, June 27, 2011


Yes we are now in France!

I must admit I am much happier with 'bonjour',  'au revoir', 'pardon' and  'merci' than I was with my VERY limited Spanish.

On the way to our current destination we had a short lunch stopover in a little town called Oloron Ste Marie.

Yes I know you've never heard of it but I believe Lindt chocolates come from here!  

Now I have your attention!!

It really is a pretty little town, but what French town isn't?

These little french towns, off the beaten path of the tourist, is one of the reasons we come to France!

We don't like big towns, crowds or even lots of sightseeing...

We do like eating....

Hand made nougat from the market!

and cycling....

and lazing by the pool!

(although today was TOO hot even for the pool!)

So it may be some time before I have anything interesting to blog about!

There are only so many cycling photos to show you!

Yes, my real holiday has started!!

Happy days!



Mary said...

Oh yes it has! sweet! I have not been to France, but I love the colors. The yellow on the building with the white and the flowers....just lovely! Do you mind if I join you by the pool?

Sunnybec said...

Hey Bienvenue en France! Phew it is hot isn't it - we have had 45 degrees in our back garden yesterday and today...too hot for me. That little town looks lovely. Au Revoir. x

Kirsty @ Bonjour Quilts said...

Enjoy! And yes, it was bloody hot today!

Marg said...

You had me at Lindt!
It looks lovely keep those photos coming.

Jan Maree said...

happy holidaying and should I say bon apetit!

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