Friday, July 26, 2024


Time to retire the blog.

Health issues are compounding.

No inclination to sew.

It's been fun.

Thanks for following along!


Wednesday, June 26, 2024

Palette Cleanser

 I may call my latest flimsy finish "Palette Cleanser"?

I rarely make a totally solid quilt and this felt like 

cleansing the palette of florals and prints! 

Or maybe I will call it "On Solid Ground",

for fairly obvious reasons.

I posted this photo (above) to Instagram, back at the 

start of June,

thinking I would make a very large quilt with 13 full 

blocks set on point,

with a number of half blocks to fill in the gaps.

Sadly, the making of these blocks was becoming a 


so once I finished up the ninth block on Monday,

I decided it was done!

So all that needs to be decided is the backing and the 


Can you believe I have NO OTHER WIPS to sew!?

I do have my botanical art to keep me busy.....

Maybe you have a favourite pattern that you'd like to 

see 'take' on?

I'd love to know!

Happy days!


Sunday, June 9, 2024

La Finestre- a finish!

I'm not sure I have much left to say about this quilt.

I started it back in August last year,

 about ten months ago.

It is the Dotty Mc Potty pattern by Irene Blanck 

at Focus On Quilts.

I made my own trailing vine-type border rather  

than the one in the pattern.

It was obvious that I was running out of low-volume

 background fabric so a dear blogging friend, 

Karen at Sunburnt Quilts came to my rescue.

I found a vintage sheet in my stash for the backing, 

bought for me, I think, by my sister!

Yesterday my husband and I drove to Daylesford to see 

a quilt show (the less said the better!)

Then onto Taradale to do some family history research 

at the cemetery.

The little town and its park were the perfect backdrop 

for my photos.

I machine-quilted some long stitching around the blocks

and sashing, 

before adding lots and lots of hand quilting.

It's probably one of my favourite quilts! 

It was a joy to make!

Quilt #4 for 2024
Lifetime quilt #156
62" by 70"

Happy sewing,



Sunday, May 19, 2024

Another Catch-Up!

 I thought you'd like to see what has been keeping me 

busy in the craft room these last few days.

 I finished my socks, started on a recent road trip.

I've begun hand quilting my "La Finestre" quilt, 

after machine quilting in the sashings.

And I've made two more "Small World" blocks,

to give a total of four.

I need another nine, I think.

And some partial blocks to fill in the gaps!

I'm contemplating a new name still, 

and wondering why the designer 

called it "Small World"?

Any thoughts?

Happy sewing!


Monday, May 6, 2024

Beginning and Finishing!

 Beginning my Tara Faughnan "Small World" quilt.....

This series of photographs gives you an idea 

of how the blocks are made.

They are foundation paper pieced,

but sewn on the edge of the paper, 

rather than through it.

Of course, it will need a new name, 

so if you have any suggestions 

I'd be very happy to hear them.

The finish involves getting the backing organised for 

my "La Finestre" quilt.

I had the perfect vintage sheet squirrelled away,

but it was slightly too long and too narrow.

I remembered seeing a method of widening fabric 

by cutting it diagonally, moving one piece up or down

to give extra width.

There are tutorials and equations online

but my old brain couldn't see how it would work.

So I went with my tried and true method- 

make a scale model.

I needed the backing to measure 70" by 65"

Because my sheet was 60" by 80" 

I scaled it down by 1:20 and cut a 

paper rectangle 3" by 4",

Ooops, my photo shows I moved the paper down.

made a diagonal cut and moved one piece up,

and cut off the corners.

It measured 3.5" by 3.25"- perfect!

When you multiply it by 20 it would translate 

to 70" by 65"

In this photo (below) you can see some of the diagonal 

join on the floral backing

While I was playing, I decided to sew a label into the 

corner, ready for me to add the quilt's details.

Once the quilt is basted I will start hand quilting it.

Happy sewing!


Wednesday, May 1, 2024

What was I thinking....

when I offered to consult on a commission quilt?

Yes, that's code for 'making the quilt myself'!

Ugh- old pyjama fabric, much of it some sort of worn, 

fine cotton,

With some t-shirt knit thrown in to induce more 

hair-tearing angst!

Have you ever thought about how long it takes to cut 

up PJs, 

iron it all, and cut up around the unusable pieces....

All before you could begin properly cutting and piecing?

Anyway, I won't continue b**ching, 

I'm just breathing a sigh of relief that 

it's finished and ready to be delivered or 

sent to the client.

At least the backing is pretty!

I'm wondering how they will feel when I tell them I've 

spent about 100 (Australian) dollars

on the plain solid fabric, backing fabric, binding fabric, 

thread, batting and fabric spray.

I am reminding myself I'm being paid for this,

but when I do the final calculation 

on the time spent on it, not including the electricity and

 'wear and tear of the machine and my body,

I will yet again say....

"What was I thinking?"

Back to "Happy sewing" now.....

PA PJ quilt
Quilt #3 for 2024
Lifetime Quilt #155
48" by 56"


Friday, April 19, 2024

A travelling quilt!

 I'm away on a little road trip 

but I couldn't wait until I got home to share my latest 


My lovely Aurifil threads!

Hard to beat black and white binding!

I'm trying to perfect the quilt swirl!

These photos are taken outside Lakes Entrance, in the 

east of Victoria, in a region called Gippsland.

I think the fold lines came from it sitting in the warm car on its little road trip!

I like the way the hexie shapes highlight the lovely 

Heather Ross prints.

There was a bit of wrangling getting those side 


pieced in, requiring some 'y seams'.....

 and maybe a bit of unpicking! #**!!

I'm not one to shy away from a challenge.

Maybe you can see the double rows of quilting in this photo?

These photos are taken in Metung, 

a beautiful fishing village long on my bucket list!

I have tentatively named it Violet Crumble but I will 

finally decide when I get home to make a label.

It's always nice to have a close-up of 

the backing and the binding...

And here's a better photo of the quilting lines, 

1/4" on either side of the hexagons.

Is there anything nicer than taking a quilt with you 

on the road trip?

This one certainly came in handy for afternoon naps 

after a long day of walking! 

I'm looking forward to getting home to start a new 


Happy sewing!

Quilt finish #2 for 2024
Lifetime quilt #154
Fiinished size - 48" by 56"


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