Wednesday, December 27, 2023

Taking a break...


Christmas 2023

All is okay......

Not sure when I'll be back?

Happy 2024!


Wednesday, November 15, 2023

Hello again!

 It's been a while.

I'm still sewing....

The Potty McDotty centre section is together.  

I was thrilled to find the perfect fabric. 

I was looking for a green check that resembled trellis!

I intend to change up the pattern to make it more 


probably some wider low-volume borders with vines of 

flowers echoing those already made.

I've decided it will be called La Finestra, Italian for 


It feels like I am looking in the window of row after row 

of vases of flowers.

I've also been busy sewing for an upcoming Christmas market.

I felt I could kill two birds with one stone...

One, to work through my stash some more,

and secondly to meet some locals, as the market will be held in our little village

 a couple of weeks before Christmas.

I've made tissue cosies, washcloths, tea bag caddies, 

drawstring bags and bookmarks.

It's certainly been satisfying sewing up some orphan blocks!

I'm even using binding strips for the drawstrings!

Anything else I could make?????

Happy sewing,


Tuesday, October 17, 2023

A quick update

 I finished this quilt the other day.

It is now ready to be gifted to a special person

who has been a wonderful support in my life in the last 

18 months.

I kept the quilting simple because it is a modern design.

 Sophia's Quilt

Thanks to Dr David Laskey, my prosthodontist, for my new smile. 
You went above and beyond in your care of me.

Quilt No. 6 for 2023

Lifetime Quilt  No. 151

Happy days


Sunday, October 1, 2023

Something different....

 Cotton washcloths

Felt Adventure Bear.... 

the third one I've made!

and felt Pumpkins for Halloween!

These are from a free pattern available here

I think my grandsons will love them!

Happy days!


Thursday, September 14, 2023

In The Sticks!

 I have a finish to share....

Just my 5th full-sized quilt for 2023.

I based this quilt on a few I had seen on Pinterest. 

It seems it was popular back in 2009 on 

"Film In the Fridge" blog

A tutorial for the blocks is here


I initially quilted in the centre of the white strips in a 

grid design,

and decided it wasn't enough.

So then I went back and did a random square spiral!

Still not finished....

I used perle thread in black to hand quilt each block!

I think it adds something extra to the final look.

So "In the Sticks" is done!

Yes, I think our friends believe we live "in the sticks" as 

described by Merriam-Webster:

"an area in the country that is far away from towns and cities"

so that is what I've named it.

The back is all made from stash!

Perhaps they think we live in this house?

Quilt #5-2023

Lifetime Quilt No.151

Happy sewing!


Wednesday, August 23, 2023

Potty McDotty!

No, I wasn't attracted to this pattern because of its name!

It was more the lovely pots of appliqued flowers!

I saw the original quilt in a quilt shop recently and just 

had to buy the pattern!

It's by Irene Blanck of Focus On Quilts.

I made all the background pieces first and may, or may 

not, stay with this layout.

But it is good to have a plan and a record of it.

The slow sewing is very relaxing!

I often prep the blocks in the daylight hours....

and stitch away in the evenings!

I'm limiting the colour palette to blues, aquas, greens, 

yellows and light oranges

I listened to this wonderful audiobook while stitching 

this block.....

Looking at these now I am wishing I had varied the 

placement of the flowers or leaves in each block,

maybe curving them in the opposite direction.

Maybe I will do that with the next ones!

Happy sewing,



Monday, August 21, 2023

Playing with Paint!

Back in March, I stumbled across a free watercolour 

tutorial by Anna Mason.

(I think I've shared some of these before....sorry!)

Her Youtube channel "Nature Studio" can be found here

These videos are just a taster of her style and method. 

The full tutorials can go for three or four hours.

I am slowly building up a supply of quality paints, 

brushes and paper.

They really do make a difference to the experience and 

the finished painting.

I want to try this Viola again now that I have some new 

tubes of 'professional' paints.

It is a very supportive community. 

You can post your pictures and get constructive 

feedback on your work!

I'm loving the slow pace and relaxed delivery of 

these tutorials so there are more paintings to come.

After the first session....

And finished the next day.

But I'm still sewing....

I have some slow stitching to share soon!

Happy days,



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