Monday, August 25, 2014


I went to a dry needle felting class on the weekend!

Who could have guessed that this fluffy pile of 

Corriedale wool and a barbed felting needle....

could be turned into these!

My Super Models!

This is the needle used to stab, yes stab the

rolled up wool shape, 

until the fibres matt and felt together! 

Here are more 'models' and some of the parts ready 

to be put together!

More figures made by the teacher

It was great fun, if a little dangerous!

Those barbs are sharp if you talk more than watch...

Here's my Snoopy!

Not bad for my first effort although I think his legs 

could be fattened up a wee bit!

And I will leave you with a group shot....

each with their own little personality!

Can you guess which one the teacher made?

I'm going to borrow a book from my library,

search You-Tube,

learn a few more techniques, 

and maybe try another one!

Is this something you'd like to try?

Happy days!


Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Daffodils in the Deep!

It was my great pleasure to test a new pattern for 

my friend Kirsty @ Bonjour Quilts!

I really admire her work and ideas...

She calls her pattern "Diamonds in the Deep",

but I used a sunny Kona Daffodil yellow 

for my baby version - hence the name.

I used a visit to Port Nepean to do 

a little photo shoot!

This Ikea print was perfect for the backing....

Firstly I machine quilted in the ditch 

in a large cross hatch pattern...

The Port Nepean cemetry
and then couldn't resist adding some hand quilting!

Here it is after a wash and tumble dry...

It didn't fade, just blame the photographer!

all snuggly and being used by an August baby!

More details on this wonderful pattern 

can be found here

Thanks Helen for being my quilt holder!

Happy days!


Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Wordless WIPS Wednesday

hand quilting...

machine quilting...

bee blocks...

Happy sewing!


Saturday, August 16, 2014


Back in late May I received some fabric from 

P&B Textiles....

look at that cute red door!

I was particularly drawn to the black, white and grey 

range called Illustrations 2, and began planning!

I knew I wanted to feature the terrace houses, 

so I carefully cut them out and added one inch red 

borders onto two sides of each one.

I also knew I wanted to keep the prints large, to 

show them off properly!

So I chose a four inch by four and half inch block to 

join everything together.

I had ten 'whole' terrace houses, 

but couldn't quite make it work....

So I found the scraps I had left would allow me to 

'cobble' together one more terrace section,
Two of the three terrace scraps on the right hand side....

with a whole red strip to bring it up 

to the required size.

Of course, cobbles are also used to pave roads, 

so the name is quite appropriate, don't you think?

I have used the rest of the fat quarters to piece a 


It finishes at lap size = 42" X 53"

I am looking forward to quilting this one.

Happy days,


Saturday, August 9, 2014

Sew Together...

I've had these ready for a 

Sew Together Bag for quite some time.

So I decided to 'bite the bullet'!

I'd had read about the lack of visuals in the pattern,

so found the sew along at The Quilt Barn.

I hand stitched the outer bindings.

and was happy to get it completed today!

Isn't she pretty?

What colour will I make the next one?

Happy sewing!


Saturday, August 2, 2014

My secret garden

I was desperate to sew, but a fuzzy, sleepy head 

couldn't cope with anything too taxing!

I bought this printed panel in France...

and knew I wanted to make a cushion.

The outer fabric I purchased at the same time.

The pink spot was in my stash...

And the hand stitching was the perfect way,

to wile away a wintery evening!

These are the sewing related souvenirs

 I purchased while I was away...

Do you think I could find a place to buy the quilting magazines they have in England?

The fabric, in green and yellow, 

reminded me of Australia.

And aren't the V&A scissors earrings the cutest?

Happy days!


ps I see I now have 400 followers and over 500 posts- might be time for a giveaway?

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