Below is a link to some tutorials/hints/shortcuts I have written over the years.
1. Scrappy Sandwiches here
7. How to mitre the corners of the binding
8. Christmas Tree Skirt- tutorial here
1. Scrappy Sandwiches here
3. Scrappy Stepping Stones here
4. Rocky Mountain Puzzle block here
5. Scrappy Star blocks here
6. Polaroid Calendar Instructions
The basic polaroid block construction is well
documented on the internet but I like this tutorial
I got this picture from there.

I have written some simple
documented on the internet but I like this tutorial
I got this picture from there.

I have written some simple
directions, should anyone want to make their own
Polaroid Calendar.
20cm of solid fabric is enough for each
calendar page.
calendar page.
Each Polaroid block is surrounded by 2" strips,
two 4" long for each side and
two 6.5" long for the top and bottom.
Trim each one to a 5" square,
angling your ruler for some if you like.
Piece them together in pairs,
Add a 1" by 9.5" strip to the top,
And a 1" by 10" strip to either side.
Add a 1.5" by 10.5" strip to the main body of the
Embroider the chosen month onto a
white 2.5" by 10.5" strip,
Add this strip, followed by the last one,
cut at 2.5" by 10.5"
The final dimensions should be 10.5" by 15".
You Will Need (if making a table runner)
· 1. Begin sewing your binding as normal, with a 1/4" seam. When the needle is within 1/4" of the corner, stop sewing, with the needle in the down position if possible. Pivot the binding 45 degrees and sew to the very edge. Do a few reverse stitches and cut.
2. Fold your binding at right angles to continue sewing on the next side.
· 3. Start stitching 1/4" from the edge. Complete all four corners as per step one.
· 4. Your corners should be square and clean when you hand sew your binding to the back.
8. Christmas Tree Skirt- tutorial here
1 comment:
There doesnt seem to be a link anywhere. I wanted to see the scrappy stepping stones tutoral, but there isnt a link. A I missing something? Darling quilt!
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