Summer that is!
I got my "Shuffle" quilt together...
It's now awaiting motivation by me to baste it and get started on the quilting...
Maybe tomorrow?😃
I've begun a sew-along being run by
Elizabeth at OccasionalPiece Quilt
Taken from Elizabeth's blog |
It is a relaxed project where she is releasing one free
pattern for the next few months.
The first one is this pretty paper pieced block....
yes, even the back is pretty!
And the front is lovely too!
If you would like to join in the Hearts Garden sew-along
all the details can be found
I've supplemented my fabric options for this project
with some stash enhancement....
Aren't those safety pins the cutest? |
I was very disappointed to find that one fabric store
now only cuts 25cm minimums.
As if the price of quilting is not expensive enough?
I found this amazing piece of Amy Butler "Lark" fabric in
an op shop- 2 metres of furnishing weight for $4!
I need to decide how I will use it?
Maybe cover a chair, make aprons, or bags?
I also found a vintage sheet for $3, and a metre of
Jennifer Sampou "Sweet Dreams" for $1!
For the first time in many, many years we are growing
herbs and a few vegetables....
I can't wait to see what we produce!
My eldest grandson started school....
and he loves it!
I need to get started on a library bag for him.
But in the meantime, this shopping bag says it all....
Happy days!