Monday, December 12, 2011

I've Lost My Head!

Despite Protests of "How could you?!" and "NO!!" 

 I have not changed my mind!

My header is being given away!

I have just completed the hand quilting on this mini quilt (measuring 19 inches 

square) and it's ready to go....

Pretty binding and a simply pieced back....

I used Auriful variegated cotton thread to quilt it....

And it is looking for a new and loving home!

So this giveaway will NOT be playing host to Mr Random Generator!

You will need to think of a creative answer to this question.....

"Where, in Paris, would like to go (or somewhere you have been) and why do you want to go there?

Simple, huh!

Many of my regular followers will know of my love of France, especially Paris, so give me some other great reasons to go back!

I will choose my favourite answer sometime on Saturday 17th December and mail my your header quilt away before Christmas!



120 comments: said...

I would eat my way through Rue Cler in the 7th arrondissement, the cheese shop, the crepe man and the sausage shop...mmm! I've just gained 10 pounds.

Snoodles said...

Um, I've not been there, so I don't know for sure. But when Ina Garten and her hubby sat at a cafe and had yummy food and wine on her show, that made me think it would be a very nice thing to do! Since you've been there, maybe you can supply the name of the perfect place!

Rachaeldaisy said...

Now you've got me thinking about how wonderful Paris is and how I'd like to be sipping a glass of rose on a summers day in a cafe just listening to the sound of French being spoken around me. There's a Japanese Noodle shop that was so good I went back the next night because I couldn't believe how good it was. I've got it marked on a treasure map. The Rodin Museum was closed so that is still on my list to do. I would stay near the Jardin du Luxembourg because those gardens are so lovely to recuperate in. The Champs Elysees on the last day of the tour would be a dream! And finally I'm not sure if it's classified as Paris but Versailles is so beautiful, I would love to see it again.

Anonymous said...

Oh, Paris. I would love to wake up in a small inn and saunter down to eat crepes until my tummy hurt. I would love to sip wine while drinking in art. I would love to sit and watch people and try to guess what they were saying. Perhaps one day...

Anonymous said...

Suz--As a kid I lived and breathed art (still do but that's another story). I'd take all the art & art history books out of the adult library and devour them. Paris was THE place of my dreams--for the romance of the ground-breaking Impressionists and, of course, for the Louvre. I even started to teach myself French from the books in the library. (That failed miserably, those were the days before recorded lessons could be had.)

Then I got the opportunity of a lifetime in the summer of my 19th year. My father worked full-time for the Air National Guard and was going on temporary active duty to Germany for two years. I jumped at the chance to go with the family. Finally I was getting closer to Paris.

About a year later I bugged my then-boyfriend and another couple enough that we went to Paris for a long weekend. None of them were interested in art, but they reluctantly agreed to go with me to the Louvre for an afternoon in between sight-seeing.

We finally got there. I stood in front of the buildings in awe, shedding a few tears, it was a very emotional moment. We got to the door, and to my horror, it was closed for a couple of weeks! Then I REALLY cried. What a huge disappointment. It's a bittersweet memory.

Circumstances were such that I never did make it back. Can't travel now due to health issues. So needless to say, the Louvre would be where you'd find me in Paris if I could go again.

I've always remembered that the Eiffel Tower guide told us there are about 2,500,000 rivets in the Tower ;} . (Before we went I had never realized it was just riveted steel.) What an enchanting place it is to be at night with all the city lights... sigh.

~Jillian in North Dakota

Rane said...
Cafe de la paix first then onto
L’Entrée des Fournisseurs
It is a Haberdashery in paris.
Thank you for the give away... you are oh so generous!

Jingle said...

I would like to sit a a small, local Parisian cafe with my husband, sip tea, snack on bread, and wear adorable French outfits! Basically, I want to look like a scene from an old black and white movie. *sigh* That would be fabulous! jinglesells at gmail dot com

Needled Mom said...

I would definitely avoid the places where the tourists go, but would love to venture out to a French bakery, sneak inside in the wee hours of the morning and learn how to make their DELICIOUS breads.

LaraM said...

I've never managed to be there at the same time that 'la plage' on the Seine is open. I love those breaks from urbanity, when cities relax a bit. Also, love to be there for the sales!

Knittingdancer on Ravelry said...

I have never been to Paris, but always thought that the little sidewalk cafes would be such a fine place to sit and watch the crowds. I would like to visit the Eiffel Tower.

Stella said...

Wow, what a beautiful giveaway! I have never been to Paris before (or really traveled at all...), but I would love to visit Paris, and just wander the streets looking for pretty places to eat and drink. It's all about the food really! I would love to have some amazing taste memories of that city, to sit in a cafe in some sweet little alleyway, watching the scenery and dipping my bread into my coffee... Sigh...

Anonymous said...

Despite getting very close to Paris my family and I only went to DisneyLand. The children loved it but I can't believe I didn't make it to the city. It's always been my dream to go to Paris and just sit in a cafe to watch the people go by. Not very fancy but there it is.

Kimmer said...

I've never been outside the US, but would dearly love to see the magnificent artwork in the Louvre.
Maybe someday I'll win the lottery? Until then, a mini quilt might make me feel better! ;o)

Thanks for the beautiful giveaway!

tara said...

You are so very generous.
I want to take my now 12 year old daughter so I am saving up for a trip in a few years.
I want to go to thrift stores and fabric stores and see what people donate and buy fabric. I also want to go to cafe's and drink tea. I want to speak french and have the trip of a lifetime with my daughter before she leaves the nest

Jenny said...

If in Prais I'd want to visit the eiffel tower of course. :) Thanks for the chance to win!

okiedokiemama at yahoo dot com

Laura Jeanne said...

Thanks for the chance to win! This little quilt would look amazing in my turquoise livingroom!

I have wanted to go to the Louvre my whole life (okay at least since I was a teenager!) so if I ever went to Paris, that would be my first stop!

Jeanine The Crafting Fiend said...

I would go to le louvre. It's me dream to go there. My husband has been and doesn't want to go back but I made him promise me before we were married that he'd take me there one day. I LOVE art and I LOVE history. seriously I'm a mega nerd about that stuff. the
ps. your mini quilt is GORGEOUS!

Corey said...

I would go anywhere in Paris if I had the chance, but for the ultimate experience with my future spouse (If I do find one, lol!), we'd go to the Lovers' Lock Bridge at Ponte Milvio.

What beautiful handiwork, and that fabric you fussy cut!!

jojoebi-designs said...

I would go to the Lourve, I went to paris years ago and got robbed on the train on the way in, passport and money taken so my memories of Paris are of the the police station and embassy, I never got to see any of the real sights!

kimmysue said...

J'aime Paris! Je voudrais un voyager a Versailles! Pardon the bad French. I tried apologizing in French, but as it turns out, I was saying, "Pardon my French disease." LOL. :D

Anonymous said...

I would go to the Notre Dame because it was closed when I was in Paris.

Sangeetha said...

I would like to go to Rue Honore shop till I drop

Rie said...

When my hubby & visited Paris back in 2002, we went for a walk from our hotel to explore, we found ourselves in a really old cemetary - we walked around it, spent an hour there actually, it was really nice, calming, loved all the names on the headstones. Although it sounds a little creepy, it was actually one of the more memorable things we did, it wasn't touristy, it was at our own pace, we explored a suburb that we would never have come across - and we'd do it again!

✾Jamie Lee Cooley✾ said...

I've been there before when I was on summer vacay from college. I went with a girlfriend and we bought a Eurorail pass and visited seven countries in 5 weeks. The power went out in the area we were staying in in Paris and my friend was mugged when we were walking back to the hostel from the subway. Luckily I had one of those concealable fanny pack things under my dress so it was virtually ungrabbable. I'd love to go again. The Louvre was closed for renovations so I want to visit there and do it without anyone trying to steal my purse!

sandyandcosmo said...

I have never been to Paris but I would love to spend a day wandering around the Louvre. Thanks for the giveaway!

Lady K said...

Paris is my heart home.

I once spent every afternoon for a week life drawing from models in Le Grande Chaumière. This is in Montparnasse and is a very old art studio/school. Rodin drew in those very same halls. I can not even explain the amazing scent of linseed and graphite. The studio windows are all facing north to allow in the most glorious light.

I one day hope to spend several weeks painting in these hallowed halls.

Rachel said...

Oh my goodness. My heart stopped when I saw the Eiffel Tower! I LOVE PARIS and I'm going there after Christmas for a few days with my daughter. One of my very favourite places is the D'Orsay. I could spend days in that art museum!

mo said...

That is beautiful! There is a very old cemetery over sort of below the Moulin Rouge. It is amazing- all the colors and old statuary and beautiful little details.

Go-Go Kim said...

I have only been to Paris through reading Madeline so I have nothing to offer :o( I someday hope to go though!!!!!

angelina said...

not been to paris....yet.
love the header.

Leanne said...

How about the Isle Saint Louis near Notre Dame for shopping and ice cream? Would love to win, you header is beautiful.

Jayme said...

To be honest, for me, I would just love to go...I'm not sure how great of a possibility that will be in my future. But for me just being able to take pictures of the architecture would be enough for me. Any gorgeous sights, like the eiffel tower or visit the louvre(sp?) would be super bonuses!

Danna Saunders said...

I've never been to Paris...but my Korean roommate from college lives there and she's the best cook on the planet. I'd visit her, grab some tea and some of the bread everyone is posting about and make some new memories.

Dannabug at gmail dot com

Sophia said...

I have never been to paris, but I want to eat bread and cheese from a park where I can see the Eifel Tower!

Sis-O said...

Well, I was born in France to US military parents. I left as an infant but have always had an affinity for French things. I do not know Paris but have always wanted to go there. I love the sweet Eiffel Tower print in this quilt. Wonderful give away.

The New Mrs. said...

I went to Paris with my husband this year for our 6 month anniversary and I have to say that the thing I would do again would be to go to the Lafayette Galleries and eat my 6 month anniversary meal on the top floor of the mall at twilight with a view of the lighted Eiffel Tower.

Skooks said...

I have never been to Paris (sadly) . . . honestly, I imagine that just strolling or biking through the streets and stopping in little places I find along the way would be lovely. :)

I probably won't win for that comment, but I really do think your quilt is lovely.

Stitched With Prayer said...

Never having been out of the US, I just don't know where in Paris I would like to go...but I can tell you it would definitely be someplace that sells beautiful french pastries and desserts. I would also want to visit beautiful museums and historical sites. On the condition that I could take my pastries in with me while I soaked in the beauty and history of my surroundings. Your quilt is just beautiful. Thanks so much for a chance to give it a good home.

teammckown said...

I have never been there...sigh.But I would love to visit the Louvre and Versailles. Then I would love to wear a beret, a scarf around my neck, riding a bicycle with a basket on the front filled with wonderful things like...baguettes, brie, and champagne. Stop at a cafe to visit with my friends and laugh at all the silly American tourists in their TEVAs and fanny packs. Oh yes, that sounds delightful! Well, I'm off to fill my pack and check the velcro on my Tevas!

Anonymous said...

I would love to go to the perfume museum again. I don't wear perfume but I love the tour and the history I learned.

Samarra said...

I'm lucky enough to have been to Paris a few times; the last was about 8 years ago when I worked for a culinary magazine and got to hang out with and eat at Pierre Herme's home. But I'd go back simply for the pain au chocolat and to shop for more Kickers shoes because I'm a bit of an addict for those sweet shoes! :D

Valspierssews said...

I loved reading everyone's comments. I have been to Paris twice now and will be going again next May as part of a 6 week holiday. I am taking my mum so we will be visiting landmarks like the Palace de Versailles, the Eiffel tower and Montmartre but one place I intend to visit again is Hermes Chocolate. I had limited funds last time and could only afford a small block to take home. This time I plan to buy tarts and macaroons to eat for tea no matter what they cost.

Sallie said...

I would go to The Musée d'Orsay because the art and architecture in the old train station is so interesting. Then, I would buy a loaf of bread, a jar of Nutella, some fruit and some water and sit in Tuileries Garden near the Louvre and watch the people that pass by. I would take the Metro, hoping to catch some local musicians playing/dancing, and go to La Defense to see "The Thumb" and ride the elevator in the Grande Arche.

Debbie said...

I would looove to go to a bakery that sells macarons! Seriously, that will be on my agenda if I ever get to Paris! (I was there once, but unfortunately didn't get out of the airport....sadness.)

Jennifer Wingard said...

I don't know much about Paris, but I've always hoped to go there for our honeymoon...maybe by the time we're married 20 years. We've never quite had the chance since my husband shipped out the day we got married and we've been here and there around the country (and around the world, in his case) since then. If I had to choose somewhere to go, yes, I'd love to see the touristy things, but I'd much prefer to explore off the beaten path.

Anonymous said...

When we went to Paris last year, we bought my daughter a little light-up glass Eiffel tower from one of the many vendors on the sides of the street. It broke last week and the tears didn't stop until we promised to go back (yippee!). Since it's only a four-hour train ride from where we're currently stationed, that's not as extravagant as it sounds. Before we move back to America next year, I'm travelling to Paris and finding a glass Eiffel tower so my daughter has a tangbble reminder of this European adventure we've been on. But I'm not going to the top of the tower again. Way too scary.

Susan said...

I would love to spend time walking the streets, especially in the Marais, and observe the locals living, but most of all, I want to catch glimpses of gardens and courtyards behind doors that are momentarily open or through beautiful gates.

Heather H said...

That fabric is out of this world! I was fortunate enough to live in Paris for one summer four years ago and the experience was nothing short of magical (except for a slight bump in the road when my wallet was stolen...out of a zipped bag...ha!). I would love to get another chance to lose myself in the gardens of Versailles because one day is NOT enough, but since they're not technically in Paris how about we "settle" for a nice little spot in le Jardin de Luxembourg? With a view of the French Senate, of course! Why? I guess I'm just a sucker for gardens and history. And Schtroumpf gummies!

Binks said...

I would experience and check out the Paris Catacombs. I love how something so old and dark can be filled with modernity and life from art. I want to feel the music and walk through the tunnels. What lurks underground can be very interesting.

bassenav said...

I have never been to Paris, but when I do go, I want to go to the Cadolle lingerie boutique! I read about them a few years ago. I would love to have a custom made bra. I know they are very expensive, but what a splurge!

Zoe said...

I can promise to give this beautiful quilt a very loving home :) I was in Paris for two gorgeous weeks earlier this year and stayed in an apartment on the Rue de Verneuil, and on the corner was a gorgeous patisserie- Eric Kayser. Another Eric is Eric Bompard, of the cashmere empire. The shop is set up in an absolute rainbow of colour. One of my favourite things in Paris (apart from the gorgeous museums and galleries) is the amazing departments store BHV. They have everything you could possibly want, from the Bricolage level in the basement for power tools to high fashion. Ooh, and there's La Vallee Village, about an hour outside Paris on the RER line, the stop before Disneyland Paris - an amazing desiger outlet village. There you have my best tips!

Wicca said...

Paris feels like home to me...
I've been there 4 times and I'm still surprised by the city of lights!!!

baukje said...

I live in France and only 2 hours by train from Paris. Last month I was there to shop, only for one day!! I made 5 blogposts about this visit with a lot of addresses!!!
Next time, end of februari I ll be there again on my way to Holland. I surely go for dinner in this fabulous vegetarien restaurant.: Tien Hiang, 92 rue Chemin Vert.
here is the link to the post;

April Mae said...

You know that this is a very tough question don't you?

More so of a trick question really.

Everywhere is Paris is lovely.

Here are a few of the amazing things I did while I was there...

Keep in mind they were really all so much fun!

Climbing the Eiffel Tower, Rollerblading around the city tour, it's a must to stop and look at the Arc and all the other lovely landmarks in the area, the Louvre, The Cathedral, oh I can't forget the dinner and a show and the cruise on the river. Can't forget all the little hole in the wall places to eat lovely food. And all the fragrance shops. Paris has some of the most lovely scents being made there.

See I can't just pick one place or thing. The whole place is just amazing!

Oh how I wish I could go back again soon!

Karen P. said...

Now I've never been to Paris so I can only dream of how beautiful & romantic it would be with my darling hubby of 6 yrs. I can picture us strolling arm in arm over the snow covered streets, admiring the lights, saying sweets to each other & then stopping in at a delightful little sweet shop for a treat & warm cup of coffee!

Lindsay said...

I would love to visit the art galleries and Notre Dame! I don't know if this simple, country girl will ever get the chance to visit the other side of the pond, but I would love to see the fabulous architecture!

flashingreds said...

I've never been, but I've longed to for ages. I'd love to see the museums, to walk around the city, to stop at cafes, and to shop, but I probably think most about the potential food choices. I'm a big fan of David Lebovitz and Anthony Bourdain, both of whom mention wonderful places to shop for food and eat food on their blog and tv show, respectively.

Sarah said...

I've always wanted to visit Shakespeare and Company, the bookshop. Hopefully I'll get an opportunity soon, as I'm heading to Paris in January!

Thanks for the giveaway
Sarah @

Amy said...

I would love to visit Versailles and the Louvre and Notre Dame!

K@ren said...

I haven't been to Paris but I asked a friend of mine where she loved to go since she's been there. Here is what she said:

First of all she said you need to go to the Tuileries Garden, get a cup of coffee and walk among the sculptures.

Then she said you should soak in the underground culture of the Latin Quarter which is full of student life, bookstores, bistros, and other eclectic shops.

(We both assumed you'd have expected and seen all the mainstream stuff)

Rue Cler is popular she said but when I told her about your blog, she decided you need to go here:


Thank you for the chance to win your giveaway!! Happy holidays to you and your family! <3 xo

krencamp (at) gmail (dot) com

Marie said...

Sur le pont Mirabeau as we learnt about it at school...all the poems:-) And all the places from the Amelie moovie. But many more places, I have been dreaming about going to Paris by the time I had started learning French...And you know what, if I have a daughter, which is my HUG-E dream, her name will be Amelie...

Keri said...

My favorite colors in a quilt about my favorite city in Europe! I have been to Paris twice and can't wait to go back!!!
Eating nutella crepes as you walk down the street...does life get better? non! It does not!
I LOVED visiting La Drougerie to touch all the ribbons, trimmings and yarns! How I would love to go back there now that I am sewing again! (I actually bought two knitting kits with patterns in French & found a friend to translate them for me once I was back home!!)
And the macaroons at Laduree....they were the best. The caramel ones, the raspberry ones....mmmm. They have just opened a store in NYC but have not made the trip in yet to visit! And a quick trip to the Maille mustard store for my husband to get him the basil mustard he loved that I brought him home.

Of course, there are all the amazing sites and architecture to see.... Would need to go to the Louve to see the statue of Cupid & Psyche again.... And I would want to visit french clothing stores for my children- we didn't have kids yet when I went there. I think my 6 yr old DD would LOVE to have some french fashions.

Thank you for the chance to win and for making me remember all the fun we had in Paris!

Shevvy said...

For some reason I still haven't made it to Paris, but have always wanted to go to the Louvre. I love the pictures of the glass pyramid.

Cheryl said...

I'd be in any shop that sold fabric. It doesn't matter what city I'm in, I have to find a shop with fabric and buy some for lasting memories and make a quilt. Never been to Paris so I'd have to rely on other fabric nuts to point me in the right direction.

Shannon said...

I am facinated by the Nepoleonic wars. I would make a historical tour of paris sites of the early 1800' you think they do war reinactments like are so popular in Americas south? I could see ending up at something geeky like thatt! those of course, would be more rural What a BEAUTIFUL quilt. Very generous of you. Thanks for the chance!

Autumn said...

I would definately have to visit Paris, but more than that, I would love to spend time in the French countryside. What a beautiful giveaway!

Jenna Z said...

Oh, I would love to stop into ANY pastry shop in Paris and have a chocolate croissant! I am a sweets-a-holic!

Jeannie D said...

Ooh La La! It's always been a dream to go to Paris one day...Firstly, I would stay at the luxurious, Ritz Paris and be spoiled by all the amenities they offer. I would make the rounds to all the existing Fashion Houses (Chanel, Dior, Yves St.Laurent...etc.) and purchase a fabulous "frock"! I would have art and architecture days visiting the Louvre,The Orsay Museum and the Pompidou Center on one and La Sainte-Chapelle, Notre Dame Cathedral, Arc de Triomph and of course, the Eiffel Tower on another. The rest of the time, I would scope out cafes, restaurants and nightclubs offering the best coussants,fine cuisine, wine and jazz music the city has to offer. Whew! Now THAT'S a dream vacation!


Kimberly said...

Musee d'orsay. There is nothing better than getting lost for a few hours in an old train station/ art museum. Great inspiration. Thanks!

Shirley said...

I've never been there but on my grandmother's behalf I'd like to go to second hand book stalls along the Seine. She read French books and would have liked to go there herself.

Anonymous said...

Oh I LOVE Paris!! My favorite museum was the Orangorie (SP?) the one with all of Monet's works. one of my favorite memories was sitting outside eating, looking at the Eiffel Tower when they turned on the lights. And then watching it sparkle! It was magical!

Anonymous said...

I joined a Fatbook swap about Paris in 2006 and we each had a street or area in Paris for our theme. Mine was the street Rue du Faubourg Saint-Honore where all the fashion houses are located. If I ever get to Paris that's the first place I want to visit. Then the Louvre!!

Thanks for the great giveaway!


CMEH said...

paris itself... along the river.. I have never been there and think that a place to people watch and relax in such a beautiful and historic place would be perfect!

Carrie Miller said...

How beautiful! You have a great eye! I would love to win your gorgeous little quilt.

charlotte l said...

I'd love to go back to mont martre. Wonder around and check out the artists!
Thanks for the chance on this beautiful quilt!
Clunsford at gmail dot com

Missenota aka Kristin S. said...

Shopping! Specifically, Yves Andrieux & Vincent Jalbert
55 rue Charlot 3e Paris.
Beautiful designs made of vintage fabrics from French military, flea markets and estates... The ideas inside!

check it out:

And please pick me!
kgschwarze at gmail dot com

Selfsewn said...

Ooh this is easy pour moi!
We are planning to go in spring.

It would be to visit the setting of Amelie (one of my fav movies).
Cafe des deux Moulins is a must!!


Cat G. said...

Well, besides wanting to photograph the Eiffel Tower and the Metro stations I want to eat my way through the Patisseries of Paris. I would love to be a Pastry Chef and I play one on Holidays and weekends so I'd love to go to the home of the masters and eat and photograph my way through the best Patisseries in the world!

Jane S. said...

I'd do the touristy things like visit the Eiffel Tower and Notre Dame, and I'd spend a week at the Louvre. Lunch every day at little sidewalk sounds quite wonderful to me!

Thank you for the chance to win your little tribute to Paris. It's cute!

Anonymous said...

I have never been to Paris. Paris would be a trip that I would love to take with my sister. (she has Ovarian Cancer) If we went to Paris we could visit all of the touristy sights and stop at sidewalk cafe's for coffee and pastries. My sister and I love to go to old book stores, vintage shops and would find our way to the creativeness of the artist's Quarters. We could get our picture taken by the Eiffel Tower, and treasure each thing that we would see and experience together. French food, french bakeries, specialty bottled waters...Even stay in a nice hotel with crisp white linens, fluffy bathrobes and monograms on the towels! It would be a wonderful trip filled with memories that would surpass our lifetime together. Thank you for letting me daydream a bit about a trip to Paris with my sister! Happy Holidays!!

Erin @ Why Not Sew? Quilts said...

I've not been to Paris but would love to go. I would love to eat delicious French food and do what the locals do.

Your quilt is lovely. It's going to be hard to giveaway !

Anonymous said...

I've never been across the Atlantic, but if I were in Paris, I'd start by eating my way through all the delicious pastries that are freshly baked! Your quilt is beautiful; have a lovely day! :)

Anonymous said...

Paris, because i like old world things and that is what Paris reminds me of. And the food of course and the fashion. I would love to look for one new place to visit each day

Mary said...

I have never been, but if I were to go....I would certainly want to visit Normandy because of it's historical significance.

SavvyGirlDeborah in NYC said...

I would go straight for La Droguerie. Given my obsession with knitting, it's right up my alley. With yarns, fibre, beads, buttons, ribbons, crafting sounds like paradise!

Thanks for doing this giveaway!


deborah (at) savvygirls (dot) ca

Dreaming Monet said...

I'm obsessed with Gertrude Stein and her entourage. My daughters are named Alice and Picasso! So, straightaway, I would head to 27 Rue de Fleurus where Stein and her brother Leo, an art critic, had a gallery and where Gertrude lived with her life partner, Alice B. Toklas. Picasso, Matisse and many others would come to the 'salons' that Stein held in her home. You can read a great deal about this time in Stein's book 'The Autobiography of Alice B. Toklas,' which really is entirely about Stein!

Many of the influential artists, literary, visual, musical gathered in Stein and Toklas's home. What an electrifying place to begin a journey!

I would spend time at the Louvre having my mind blown by color and form. I'd need to take countless cups of coffee to ground myself.

I'd windowshop at the many coutouriers.

I'd visit the Orchestre de Paris at the Salle Playel.

But in addition to these grandiose aspirations, I would be satisfied to take the train to a neighborhoods all across the city, getting off at a random spot and just observe daily Parisian life from many vantage points. I'd photograph the little things - architectural detailings, flowers fallen into puddles on the streets... a particularly striking pair of boots.

And I would bring home the scraps of my visit, ribbons and postcards and napkins with lip prints pressed into them... I'd assemble it into a tiny book strong enough to steep through years into the future.

Bon voyage!

And thank you - for the chance to win this incredible work of art you've created. I would use it daily and it would elevate me from the banal daily existence of scraping by -- a husband and two young girls all getting by on pennies -- and help me remember what it is I intend to do: write.

fotohok said...

Can we count Paris suburbs? I'd grab a nutella and cream filled crepe and head out to see the basilica of St Denis again. There was a festival/pilgrimage there last time and didn't get to stay and enjoy. I'd love to see the effigies of the royals, they look like they are lying about sleeping. The sculpting is amazing. There are associations from the early 100's like 400-500AD. Amazing. The rose window was one of the first of its kind and the symbolism of the architecture is just waiting to be studied and photographed! It is just gorgeous inside filled with light filtered through stained glass.
That quilt is so wonderful, I've been stalking that fabric online for months:)

Isisjem said...

I've never been to Paris. I would love to go. Maybe to Versaille and explore back streets finding little shops and cafes. My other half and I have never spent Christmas together. Something has always got in the way. Last year he promised me he would come down and spend it with me but not only did we have the worse weather in the UK for over 20 years but he got flu and bronchitis and wasn't going anywhere. This year his dad has been very ill and he even had to rush up to see him last weekend. I've told him I think he should go and spend Christmas with his dad in case it's his last one. I suggested he came to me after Christmas towards New Year. Sooooo my other half has told me if he doesn't make it this year my birthday treat will be a trip to Paris!!!!!! So I may need to go and check all the answers to plan my trip ;-)

Sarah said...

I've always wanted to go to the top of the Eiffel Tower. It seems so romantic. In almost every movie set in Paris, that is where the beautiful girl is standing when the handsome guy walks up. Or, after they have met, they meet at the top to seal the deal with a kiss. Maybe if I could travel to the top of the Eiffel Tower, my prince would show up.. :)

TexasWren said...

I've never been to Paris, so I don't have a clue. Maybe a street with a lot of fabric or craft things. I have a dear friend who made me a gorgeous necklace with beads she bought in Paris.

Why would I want to go? I have online friends from my bookclub who live in France. While I've met many of my bookcrossing friends in person, I haven't managed to meet any from France yet. I'd love the opportunity to sit down and share a meal and a conversation and some books with them.

becky said...

I went to Paris for a few weeks as an undergrad and I would love to go back and enjoy all the great food you can get around every corner. Especially now since I went to culinary school since that trip and would appreciate the cornucopia of artisinal food options!

Victoria said...

In the movie version of The Accidental Tourist, Geena Davis spends a day at the flea market stalls "sur la rive gauche." I want to go there and gather some treasures to take home to remember this womderful trip and see if I can still speak French as fluently as I did in college.

Lucy | Charm About You said...

My husband and I spent Christmas in Paris after we met, honestly my favourite part was just wandering around. I realise this isn't a great answer but I can think of nothing better to do than roam the streets of Paris taking it all in, seeing all the great sites, cool shops, culture, people, food! Let me tell you there is genuinely nothing more romantic than walking around Paris at Christmas, being totally in love, freezing cold and drinking hot chocolate :)

principeta said...

Wow,this is lovely,thanks for chance to win it.Never been to Paris,hope to some day and see Eiffel Tower,Disney land.Why,who need a raison to love Paris =o).

Happy holidays!!

Lynn said...

i'd love to spend a day or two at the louvre. i had a terrible case of scabies in a train station in paris and that's all i have as a memory of paris!
thanks for the giveaway!

Gill said...

I have never been to Paris but I would love to visit the Louvre! my daughter who has visited says the Eiffel tower was a real let down!

Anonymous said...


@pril said...

I haven't been to paris but would visit as many cafes as I could. I love cafe food.

Kylie Carlson said...

I haven't been to Paris but based on what I loved visiting in London- I'd be in awe of Nortre Dame. The history just seeps into your bones in places like that, and the architecture is mind blowing, plus I'd like to light a candle and pray a rosary for my late grandmother there- she would have gotten a kick out of that. kcarlson1152[at]

hueisei said...

I never been to Paris. If I have to reverse the time, i wanted a chance to visit there, meet my husband there and we are going to have a wonderful romance dating near the Eiffel Tower. or, perhaps my first romance kiss with him there or, maybe he propose to me there..
Hahaha.. My minds full with the "what if" questions now :)
Thanks for the chance to win!

Cal said...

A few years ago I went to Paris for a few days, and invited my husband along. Basically I needed to spend about 4 days there, but was only scheduled to be busy for one morning. I thought it would be the perfect opportunity to leave our daughter with the grandparents and enjoy a long overdue romantic getaway, in the most romantic of cities! but, alas, it was not to be. I ended up going alone, and spending a lot of time walking around in unconfortable shoes. To add insult to injury, I somehow looked at the map the wrong way on Champs Elysees and walked away from the Eifell Tower rather than towards it, so ended up not visiting. On the bright side I did love the sights, it is a beautiful city and I fell completely in love with... macaroons!

Robbie said...

We went to Paris last year for the first time. I loved the city. Muse D'Orsey was the best museum that I have ever been to in my life. We spent one whole day there. You could walk up to paintings from Rembrandt, Monet and Van Gough. What and awesome experience.

Jessica said...

I've never been to Paris, and it is but a dream! I would stay in a apartment above a Patisserie and eat Pain Au Chocolat's for breakfast. I'd love to sit in a park near the Siene and watch the french while nibbling on french cheese and sipping french wine. bliss!

Julie said...

I would re visit the Eiffel Tower, the Louvre, NotreDame and Mont Matre - when I went 20 years ago my camera jammed and I lost all my photos of me there. At least I still have the memories of Paris.

fern said...

I would LOVE to go back to Paris! I was there 15 years ago and definitely love Paris. I'd probably visit the markets. I found an AWESOME pair of 70's adidas rugby pants, black with aqua stripes, last time. I'd also go to la Tour Eiffel and eat dinner again. I ate their last time with my sister who tragically died this past year. I'd love to visit the places we went to make new memories. I want to have a fresh croissant from a bakery. I want to just breathe in Paris.

Kirsty @ Bonjour Quilts said...

I still haven't been to Versailles, so that is top of my visit list for Paris. I've also never been to the top of the Eiffel Tower - it was closed for renos when we were there on our honeymoon, and there was no way I was taking the kids up there on our last visit!

Sam said...

I have never been to France, but I have dreamed of going for so long. I even took two years of French! I don't know if I'll even get to go, but if I did I would go to the Louvre. I'm an artist and I would love to see the masterpieces that hang there up close. But for now I have to settle for the virtual tour. Sigh.

pforgerson said...

I would go to Notre Dame because i "missed" it the first time. When you have been all over France with a architect studying Gothic Cathedrals, and been to one in every town you stopped in, i just couldn't go in one more! Paris was our last stop and i finally had to make a stand.
Now i would be able to appreciate it. Then, it would have been "just another church"

Charla said...

My mom and I took a trip to Paris for the first time just a few months ago! It was awesome to be there with my mom and we had a great time! One of the highlights was the Eiffel Tower. Our tickets were timed just right, so when we got there it was light, saw the sunset from the top and by the time we came back down it was dark and everything was lit. Amazing! If I could go again, I would visit Napoleon's tomb. It was on our list of things to see, but we just ran out of time!

bethany said...

Notre Dame. It would be a sight to see the towers, stained glass and the medieval architecture. To look from the top would be really cool and see Paris from the bird's view!

Sarah said...

I would love to just sit in a cafe eating cheese and crepes people watching for the whole day, then I would spend days walking around soaking in all the history

Brooke Crook said...

I have been to Paris and The Shakespeare bookstore is my favorite place. I would love to go back and pick up an old book to read while sitting in their cozy window seat, drinking hot tea, and watching people walk by.

ylrbmk said...

I've never been, but while traveling I'm more attracted to where the locals hang out more than the tourist areas.

ELNM said...

I went to Paris many years ago for a high school trip. I still remember seeing Sacre Coeur, and how beautiful it was. Thanks for reminding me of that trip!

Jeanne Gwin said...

I have never been to Paris, not to say I haven't tried to talk DH into going for years. Due to not really knowing what specific place, my dream was always just to go and sit at a sidewalk cafe and watch people, strike up a conversation with a complete stranger and enjoy simply being in Paris.

Unknown said...

I love Paris too. and I would like to come back too. It is nice just to walk around and look at landscape on the river. I would like to attend to a cooking and bakery course. I love french patisserie. Of course I should learn French too. hugs

Maggie said...

What a generous, selfless giveaway!! My goodness!

I went to Paris, once, when I was 18 (and what a magical age to go!). I actually believed I could speak fluently. Ouch! When I go back I want to go back to the ferris wheel at the Tuileries by the Musee d'Orsay. I remember being at the top and being able to see so much of Paris. It was so magical! It was like being able to hold the whole city all at once rather than having to just pick one piece up at a time! [note: it's currently traveling, but will return to La Place de la Concorde at the end of the year!]

Unknown said...

The Louvre! I desperately want to go and spend months there!

going kiwi said...

I would love to go to France! I have never been. I wish I could go in the winter and see the Eiffel tower in the snow! Thanks for the giveaway!

Unknown said...

Paris... ahhh... I dream of going somewhere out of the country! Your items are beautiful!

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