Wednesday, October 24, 2012

The next round....

I was excited to receive this piece of fabric in the mail 


Thanks Hadley!

all the way from Hadley in the UK!

I've been very keen to get my Museum Medallion....

to here!

I hope to join the next round up....


Happy sewing!



Heather D. said...

Oooh, lovely! The yellow is fabulous.

Canadian Abroad said...

Hadley is a star!

Mrs Flying Blind... said...

I am going to dine off being part of this quilt for a long time!

Adrianne @ On the Windy Side said...

So beautiful. I have a thing for round shapes in quilts so this caught my eye immediately.

Marg said...

oooh it looks great. (I have some of that fabric!!!!!!!!)

Deborah said...

These are so beautiful! The fussy cutting is amazing.

Carla said...

These are looking so gorgeous, Susan!

Mary said...

Ohhhhhh! I love it!

Rachaeldaisy said...

Hadley saved the day!! Yay! Your medallion is looking awesome!!!

Cille said...

Fantastic medallion ! And so great you managed to find the right fabric too.

Kirsten said...

Really stunning - a lovely mix of fabrics!

Cathy @ CabbageQuilts said...

Ah Yay, the fabric makes the petals pop! I love it. Looking great. xo said...

This is so pretty. I just love all your EPP projects.

pandchintz said...

Ooh, love that fabric! Any details, please?

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