Monday, August 8, 2022

A trip down memory lane

 So much has happened since I first published here as 

"PatchworknPlay" on 8th August, twelve years ago!

Today is my blog anniversary.

My style has certainly changed.

this is from pre-blog days!

And how the world has changed....

our world expanded with sewalongs and bees,

My favourite bee quilt

and narrowed during lockdowns.

Double Donuts- a lockdown quilt

We've travelled far and wide, 

welcomed children and grandchildren, 

 and said goodbye to dear family and friends.

My late father's 90th birthday quilt

We've expanded our repertoire of quilting skills,

jumped on trends

I clearly remember jumping onto this trend- the Scrappy Trip Around the World!

Sherbet Pips- the first fabric range I ever made and used in ONE quilt.

and gone our own way!

During this time I have had over 1.5 million views and 

over 13,000 comments.

"My Small World" quilt certainly received the most comments

My most popular post is "Making Sandwiches", a tutorial 

to make this quilt.... 

I have written nearly 900 posts, and have nearly 600 

blog followers

and over 2,500 on Instagram.

I get a regular number of followers who comment- 


But also I still receive comments by those who are "no-

reply commenters", who are basically anonymous.

When they ask a question, I feel really bad that I 

cannot respond!

I've been treated to visits by some amazing 

international quilters....

Tula Pink

Kaffe Fassett

Jenny of Missouri Quilt Company

Jen Kingwell

Anna Maria Horner

Rachael Daisy

Of course I've made quilts , 

and cushions  

and Christmas decorations 

and felt toys, 

wee braw bags, 

zipper pouches, 

Christmas stockings, 



napkin 'rings', 

felted animals

even a wedding dress!

                         I've knitted, 

                         made dresses, 

                used felt in many projects
                         and embroidered too!

I had a pattern published in Homespun magazine!

And entered ONE quilt in one quilt show....

a quilt I don't really care for, (although it does adorn 

our bed at the moment)!

.......never again.

This little touch with fame made me smile...

Lori Holt of Bee in My Bonnet fame

Thanks for taking a trip down memory lane with me.

I love this photo for its simplicity.

And thanks for your support over all these years!

and this one too!

Sadly a blog anniversary giveaway is not possible any 

longer- postage is ridiculously expensive!

So sit and have a cuppa with me,

and a macaroon perhaps!

Or a glass of something cold!

as my 'thank you' to you!

And a bunch of boronia...

because the scent is heavenly!

Here's to good memories and new beginnings

Happy days!



Florida Farm Girl said...

Congratulations, dear girl. So many blogs (including mine) have gone by the wayside over the years but I do dearly love visiting my friends that way. I keep thinking I'll rejuvenate things but haven't done so as yet. Keep up the good work, its gorgeous!

LintLady said...

Hi Suz,
gratulations to your 12th blog birthday.
I realy enjoy your blog and I am very happy that I found it, too.
I hope you will still blog for another 12 years at least!
XXX Doris :o)

Redfinch said...

I look forward to every one of your posts; your style is a little different than mine, and because of that, I've dipped my toes into some projects that were outside my box. Thank you!
Looking forward to more inspiration from you,
Ruth in VA, USA

Susan Smith said...

Wonderful post & good to see how far blogging has taken you and some fascinating insights into your sewing adventures, meeting of famous quilt related names and places you've visited. Oh, a bunch of boronia, something I love, but never seems to survive for long in this garden. Take care & hugs.

Linda @ kokaquilts said...

I loved this trip down memory lane with you Susan! Delightful quilts and super photos. "Double Donuts" is a favourite, loving all those blues!

Kirsty @ Bonjour Quilts said...

Happy Blogiversary, Suz! You've packed so much goodness into all these years. Here's to the next 12!

deborahgun said...

Congratulations Susan! I'm so thankful we became friends through your blog, and I have learnt so much about sewing and quilting from you. I'll enjoy a cuppa with you from across the seas :) said...

Happy 12th dear Suz, I love, love, love this post as it brings back at least five years of memories with you. I enjoyed seeing all of your beautiful makes and I do believe you were the first or one of the first bloggers I left a comment when I first started reading quilt blogs. I was just thinking the other day of the word “cushion” which for me is something you sit on and I couldn’t fathom every sitting on one of yours and I let you know. I soon learnt that cushions for you is pillows for me. And of course, you helped me start my blog which I will always be thankful for, my torMENTOR from down under. Your pics are gorgeous, you take the best ones. I’m going to have to read this post again and again, such a lovely walk through Memory Lane. You are truly an inspiration.

Chookyblue...... said...

Congrats on your blog birthday.......12 years is a great milestone...... Loved reading thru the posts...... So much happens in our lives over that time......I think I've been here reading for a lot of it...... No idea when I started following you...... Looking forward to the journey you take us on from here.....

lvkwilt said...

Congratulations on 12 years of inspiration! I know that I have followed you for years (not sure how many!) and you have certainly inspired me! Hope you have another 12 years (or at least until I pass away!)...blogs have seen me through many of lifes hard times and I love them! Thank you very much!!!

Karen S said...

Congratulations on this special anniversary. Well done and thank you for sharing all your wonderful projects. This is such a great way to look back over what you have made and how your tastes have changed.

OPQuilt said...

Gosh, I loved this post. You make me so nostalgic for our beginnings, and look at how many different crafts and needlework and quilts you've made, all enriching the lives of those who read your blog and those who are closer in your life.
What a wonderful way to celebrate your twelve years of blogging. I hope there are many more! Hugs from afar, :) Elizabeth

Janice said...

I may not be a commenter, but I’ve enjoyed your blog for many years. I’ve been blogging for nearly as long and it is interesting to see how styles have changed and what you have created. Thanks for taking us along for the ride and I look forward to seeing how your creating continues to evolve.

Mary aka Gummi said...

Hey there! This is Mary from Deep in the Heart of Texas sending a note to say I found your blog! Wonderful beautiful happy feelings as I scroll! I can't wait to visit every post!

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