Wednesday, February 24, 2016

Where does the time go?

Can it really be a fortnight since my last 


Needless to say, I don't have much to show...

some purchases from a weekend market...

the beginnings of a new quilt...

all my Chuck Nohara blocks together...

time to choose those for March making.

and my addition (mainly along the bottom) to the 

the travelling bee block!

Now, if anyone can tell me how to find more hours in the day....

Happy sewing!



Turid said...

Lovely block, that first one. Is is a NYB block? Great fabrics you've used.

Chookyblue...... said...

Loving the start of your new quilt......

Melissa P said...

What a delightful stack of goodies in that first photo! Love the colors. And all the lovely things you have going on. Never a dull moment for you! If I ever find extra hours in a day, I'll be sure to let you know. ;)

Anne / Springleaf Studios said...

Time has gotten away from me too as far as blog writing. Your traveling bee quilt is really interesting. I especially like the little birds. Do you know the pattern?

Lynne said...

I like your new purchases... and the new quilt you started. What a great block! I just went almost a month between blog posts. I couldn't believe it when I looked at the date. Must be something about February. Here's to a more productive March!

Karen S said...

I have tried not sleeping, but it doesn't work. The hours stay the same.
Lovely goodies from the market.
I think you have done quite well on the sewing front. Some wonderful blocks in your post.
The travelling block looks very interesting.

Carla said...

Nice nice blocks : )

Julie said...

Love the look of that NYB. Work really has a way of bringing the sewing to a halt, one of those necessary evils in life.

Rachaeldaisy said...

Everything you're working on looks wonderful! I love the fabrics/colours you've used in your NYB Block. Did you needleturn applique the feathers in the travelling bee blocks? They look so good! The alpaca yarn looks extra lovely and soft.

Saija said...

Nice projects going on! Your NYB and text fabrics looks good :)

Sandra said...

The NYB blocks are awesome! I love NYB quilts! And your addition to the traveling bee is simply wonderful! More hours to the day just for sewing - well, I don't know how that might work. But if someone tells you, PLEASE inform me as well!!!

Lorinda Davis said...

I love all your happy fabric choices! Looking forward to seeing the progress on that quilt.

Archie The Wonder Dog said...

I love that travelling bee block! (I think it's Jan's?)

OPQuilt said...

All fun projects, Susan, and your idea about finding more hours in the day is brilliant! I'm going to try to make all my Chuck blocks in the next 24 hours. That may be impossible, but at least I'd like to prep them up. Yours all look great!

Suz J said...

Hi Susan. I'm back!! Absolutely love that little hank of alpaca wool - hasn't it got delicious colours? What do you plan to do with it? I bet it is lovely and soft - I have some friends who have alpacas.

Granny Maud's Girl said...

I love all of these projects. The New York beauty looks like it will turn out beautifully, and you already know how much I admire your Chuck Nohara blocks.
Yes, where does the time go? How can it be almost March again?
If you find the answer to squeezing more hours in the day, please let me know. (Cutting back on sleep is not an option for me!)

✾Jamie Lee Cooley✾ said...

Oh everything you are making is so lovely!!!!!

What will you make with the pretty yarn?

Live a Colorful Life said...

Yes, more hours in the days, more days in the week....

Plus I have always wanted to make a New York Beauty quilt. This may be the year. Yours has inspired me.

Mary said...

Ohhhh! Your New York beauty block is fabulous!!! I can't wait to see moređŸ’•

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