Tuesday, August 31, 2021

Collective nouns....

 You know.... a flock of birds, a litter of puppies!

We've all made masks over the last eighteen months.

I called mine "a countenance of masks"!

Some recently made masks

And I think these should be called "a comfort of quilts"!

And this week I finished another cushion, to join others 

I have made-

Don't you think these should be called 

"A plump of cushions"?

I decided to make it to match my

 "Blossoming Buds" quilt...

which you can see in the background of these photos.

I love the back too, with its spots and navy edging.

Do you have a favourite collective noun?

Happy days,



Karen S said...

What a lovely lot of suggestions for collective nouns. I think we should adopt all your suggestions.
That is another gorgeous cushion. Quite a collection you have there. You always get them to fill nicely and sit plumply!!

Kay said...

Beautiful - love your suggestions for collective noins

Cindy Quilts said...

I love your collective nouns!

Kara Benavides said...

So pretty. I love your collective nouns!

Linda said...

What lovely collections you have made. My favourite word is “parliament” as in a Parliament of owls, such wise birds and your collection of cushions look very important, like wise birds.

FlourishingPalms said...

Your nouns are totally inspired! Love seeing the cumulative sum of your mask-making, quiltmaking and cushion-making. You're certainly staying productive during trying days. I think making a cushion is about the best way to play with a new pattern, and I love your collection of them. Are you using them all? In one spot? Or in several? I don't have many cushions in my house, as they're seldom used, except for pillows when sleeping. Do you use yours? Or are they for show?

Susan Smith said...

Love the collective thoughts you've had & I've thought up amusing things in the past along those lines, but they have escaped my memory for now. The cushions do look lovely & plumpish(giggle). You've been a very busy bee of late. Thanks for sharing, take care & hugs.

Shelina said...

So many wonderful projects in this post. Besides names of the groups of each of these items, I think you need a name for all of the wonderfulness you have made combined.

Anorina @SameliasMum said...

A plump of cushions is perfect. Loving your collections of cushions and beautiful stacks of quilts.

Suz J said...

A posture of pillows? An influenza of face masks? Lots of fun thinking of matches 😉

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