Sunday, October 25, 2020

Playing again!

 While I am hand quilting in the evening, 

in recent days I have been playing with these 

Anna Maria Horner voiles, 

which have been in my stash for way too long!

The floral on the left is for the backing

They deserve some attention, don't you think?

I thought you might like to see my process....

Initially, I thought I'd do a simple patchwork,

so started with four and a half-inch squares.

They sat on my cutting table for some time, while I 

pondered my decision.

Then I stumbled across Jenny Doan's quick method of 

making hourglass blocks!

They start with a four patch, then another....

placed right sides together,

stitched around the outside and cut diagonally into four.

Before I knew it I had 12,

then 36,

then a photo collage for the 90 I am aiming for.

I thought it was worth converting that into a black and 

white photo, 

to help with the placement of that rich turquoise!

Hopefully, by the end of the weekend, I will have the 

top together.

Then it will go into the TBHQ (To Be Hand Quilted) pile!

 Happy sewing!




LintLady said...

Hello Suz,
the hour glasses lokk nice with this fabrics. I like the white lines with it.
Happy sewing and stay well.
Doris :o)

Lesley Gilbert said...

Love your blocks - thanks for the Jenny Doan reminder :)

Suz J said...

I once tried a similar technique but discovered my sewing machine did NOT like sewing those bias cut squares! I do love those colours and can't wait to see how your hand quilting project is progressing.

Susan Smith said...

Nice to see a post pop up during all this turmoil. It looks really nice & I'd forgotten all about that method for hour glass blocks. Thanks for the reminder & happy hand quilting, though I'm just about to pop 2 on the big machine on the same backing fabric, which is a real bonus. Take care & stay safe.

Anorina @SameliasMum said...

Ooooh I do love those QST blocks. They're so bright and happy and yes, its great that you're using the beautiful fabric that you've been holding on to. It's going to be a stunning quilt. Happy Sewing :)

GO STARS! said...

These are so pretty as hour glass blocks. I've never seen that method of sewing them but I might have to try it. I have lots of squares cut in various sizes - I cut my scraps into squares and put them in boxes for scrappy quilts.
I've found all kinds of projects for them.

Julie Fukuda said...

They look so happy together ... and are probably wondering why they had to wait so long. Great results!

Karen S said...

What a great way to use those fabrics.I often wonder about directional fabric and how best to use it. This is a perfect solution.
So pleased these lovely fabrics are no longer hiding away.

Anja @ Anja Quilts said...

Beautiful fabrics and colours. And what a great way to make hourglass blocks.

Anne / Springleaf Studios said...

Wow! This is so colorful. I've never seen that method before and am happy to now have it in my toolkit . . . if only I can remember to try it sometime. Thanks for sharing. Have funning playing with your blocks.

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