Thursday, May 21, 2020

Hindsight indeed!

After about twenty hours of quilting my "Hindsight 

2020" quilt is finished.

And in hindsight, I probably shouldn't have chosen 

to do this spiral quilting.

Given the way my thoughts go round and round in 

the middle of the night, during these trying times,

spiral quilting was appropriate, I guess!

I lost count of how many bobbins I wound....

I scrounged through all my thread supplies, not 

wanting to buy anymore unless absolutely necessary!

I quilted each line half an inch apart, and the quilt 

is 66" square. 

So I went round and round over 130 times!!

The weather has taken a turn for the worst this 

week, with winter not far away...

so it's indoor photos today!

These photos show the quilting very well....

and the backing!

And I curved the corners to echo the 

curvy quilting lines.

Quilt #5 for 2020
Lifetime quilt #123
66" square
Mystery quilt pattern from South Australia Quilt Guild

Happy sewing!



Julierose said...

What a lovely finish--that spiral quilting is amazing! Nice work on this
~ ~ ~ waving from afar julierose

LintLady said...

Hello Suz,
this is a very nice quilt and all the spiral-quilting complements it very well.
Also the curved corners go very nice with it.
Over here, we just went into summer. So it's getting to warm for quilting now.
Enjoy the good quilters weather an stay healthy.
xxx Doris :o)

Anne / Springleaf Studios said...

Great finish! It looks so good on your bed. I think the spiral is wonderful but sure know how monotonous it is to turn that quilt round and round and round under your needle. The largest I did was about 52" and I didn't think it would ever end. Spiral quilting my bento blocks which are about 18" is so much easier and yet each block can take 1 1/2 hours or so. I hadn't though about how our thoughts go round and round right now too. Take care.

Anja @ Anja Quilts said...

It turned out great. I love circle quilting, but it is a lot of work. Well done.

Needled Mom said...

It looks beautiful. That striped binding is the perfect finish.

Pip said...

Hindsight 2020 looks fabulous on the bed, love the circle quilting, you have managed to keep it so even and it looks so right for the quilt.

FlourishingPalms said...

I absolutely LOVE your quilting, Susan! I know it was a lot of effort. My 88" X 92" Scrap Vortex quilt is spiral-quilted like this, so I know how much time and physical exertion yours took. The way it turned out is "m-wah!" Love it! And the curved corner binding is the perfect finish. This is one my most favorite quilts of yours. Your indoor pictures make it look wonderful. Truly a great finish.

Maureen said...

The spiral quilting may have been a pain, but I love the way it looks!

Jan @Cocoa Quilts said...

That quilting is beautiful, Susan. I've dreamed of spiral quilting, but it has only been a dream so far. i may need to start with a baby quilt first.

Linda @ kokaquilts said...

A beautiful quilt! And your quilting is amazing, very effective! I love quilts on the beds pics!

Florida Farm Girl said...

Great job! I know it had to be a real pain but result is stunning.

Nancy M said...

Gorgeous...and I love the circular quilting. I've wanted to try that for quite awhile and you have inspired me too!

Debbie said...

This is really a stunner! And I love how you finished it off with the circle quilting and rounded corners. Nice!

Karen S said...

This is a great finish on your quilt. It looks wonderful. That is a huge amount of quilting but is looks amazing on your quilt. Good on you for sticking with it. my brain would be going in circles, too, after doing this.

Frédérique - Quilting Patchwork Appliqué said...

What a beautiful quilt, well done! I used spiral quilting once too, and I loved it ;) Lovely fabrics and patterns too.

chrisknits said...

Love it! And now I know how I am quilting the next baby quilt! Spiral!!!

Pamela Arbour said...

Lovely quilt. You did a great job. The quilting looks fantastic

Jocelyn is Canadian Needle Nana said...

Susan, that's a lot of stitching rounds, but look how pretty it is...gorgeous in fact and I love how you curved your corners. Inspiring!

Julie said...

I love the look of circular stitching, you have a lot of patience.

Jenny said...

Your quilt looks wonderful, and the spiral quilting is great. I've done spiral quilting a couple of times, but only wall hanging size. Not sure if I could manage spiral quilting on a bed sized quilt though. Good on you for achieving that!

Anorina @SameliasMum said...

Gosh I just want to run my hand over that texture which your quilting has given this. So fabulous.

BAMM said...

Just so beautiful! I love the pattern and colors.

Suz J said...

Such a pretty quilt... although all those circles is quite the commitment! I remember doing the small circles is tricky pivoting all the time but then those big circles are just as tricky. Looks terrific!

Chris said...

Absolutely love it! Inspired quilting.

Lisa C said...

I don't have that much patience but the end result is spectacular. Fantastic job!

Chookyblue...... said...

What a lovely quilt.... Like the quilting on it too....

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