Tuesday, November 29, 2016

I forgot to show you these.....

I think I made these before I went to Tassie?

Another round of Chuck Nohara blocks.....





I now have 55 blocks.  

I will probably stop at 56,

otherwise I would need 63.

I don't think I have the enthusiasm for another 7!

I think there is an ice-cream there that didn't get a

photo of its own!

I'm now playing around with ideas for the sashing....

This last block I sent to my friend Elizabeth in the US,

         for her to add to her own Chuck Nohara quilt.

                                 Happy days!


Sunday, November 27, 2016

"Words with Friends" Quilt

is finished!

I have belonged to this wonderful Spelling Bee for

most of this year, ably organised by Elizabeth. 

The signature blocks

She writes more about it here!

I started with my go-to straight line quilting, then 

really branched out to FMQ lots of flowers 

and other fancy variations!

I know I am never going to win any prizes for my 


but I sure had a great time doing it!

I also did a line of quilting in the words, trying to 

mimic my handwriting!

Trust me, it's not that bad in real life!

I love the little picture blocks....

A suitcase

A star

An envelope

Happy sewing!


Wednesday, November 16, 2016

I have been sewing....

....just not quilts!

I made a couple of placemats,

that matched our new lamp!

This one will stay clean here, at least!

A dress that I have had cut out since last year!

And, for a friend, a wedding dress!


Have you ever offered to make something for 
someone and then regretted it?

Had I seen the stretch, hand beaded, expensive tulle lace before I offered, I would never have offered in the first place!

I got the dress to this stage and had to give up.

There was no way I had the skills to put a zipper in this!

Thankfully the bride-to-be totally understood and took it to a professional to finish it off.

Finally a T-shirt!

Hey, if I can sew stretchy, beaded tulle, I can sew a 


Next time, I will have a quilt to show,

I promise!

Happy sewing!

Thursday, November 10, 2016

Bits..and pieces!

I was lucky enough to attend a de-stash sale on the 


One seller had an incredible stash!

She was selling bundles of two-three metres of 

fabric for $5 each!

All this (above) cost me less than $30!

I could easily have spent ten times this....

Lots of AMH

but I had to leave something for the other buyers, 

didn't I?

Amy Butler?

There were even two Chuck Nohara fabrics hidden 

amongst the treasure!

Toy Box by Lecien

My dream catcher has grown....

from this to this.....

with some auditing for the centre taking place!

Happy sewing!


Saturday, November 5, 2016

Recent Acquisitions ...

Would you like to see what I have added to my 


over the last few days?

Firstly what I bought on my Tassie Trek...

I love this cute "Thicket" panel by Moda!
from Esme's Patchwork in Launceston

I didn't realise one of these was a Cotton & Steel!
from Wells Crafts in Latrobe

Where I had a lovely chat with Jess
from Frangipani Fabrics in Hobart

I bought the tin because I loved it. I was happy to have it filled with fudge though....

I won a fabulous giveaway from Red Pepper quilts some time back....

from Little Crafty Shop, so I stocked up in some 


But I have saved the best til last!

My sweet friend Elizabeth sent me this surprise 


I am joining her in a new bee next year, called the 


I guess I'd better get sewing, because I have just been to a destash sale.....

You should see what I got there!

Happy days!


Friday, November 4, 2016

"Light, End, Tunnel"- Four-in-Art Reveal

This is my final contribution to the "Four-in-Art" 


(I am going to pursue other activities next year.) 

      Firstly I played around with my blue 2.5" scrappy                

to get a graduation of colour from light to dark,

with a spot of yellow in the centre.

One way of looking at it.....

I based my piece on the concept of 'feeling low, 

down or depressed'.

I have a personal experience with a loved one 

having depression and this is my tribute to them...

where sometimes things just go round and round in 

their troubled minds.....

and there doesn't seem to be a way out,

where life seems frayed around the edges.

 I chose to leave it unbound, as life it often ragged 

nor contained or tidy.

And the title?

Well, where there's light there's hope.

I guess it's my way of saying,

"Don't sweat the small stuff."

Check out the others in this group- their work is 




Happy days!


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