Thursday, August 13, 2015

We have a winner!

Wow! Does this EVER happen?

I'll email you soon Julie! 

Or if you see this, you can email me!


And thanks everyone..... 

Every blog post needs some pretty sewing-bee blocks arriving at my house!

I loved reading about the number five!

Happy days!



Gill said...

Congratulations Julie!!

Marg said...

Congratulations Julie.

OPQuilt said...

Congrats to your winner--and fun to see those red/white blocks!

Rachaeldaisy said...

Congratulations! Imagine if it had been number 5, now that would have been spooky...

Granny Maud's Girl said...

As Rachaeldaisy says, 5 would have been spookier. Congrats to Julie!

Barb said...

congrats to Julie - so what was you blog formerly called?

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