Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Do the Hucklebuck!

I have been playing with gingham!

Elizabeth over @ Occasional Piece-Quilt

along with Cindy @ Live a Colorful Life and

Krista @ Krista Stitched

are having a Project Gingham Party!

My gingham 'guests' mingling at the party!
And I dug around in my stash to supplement the 

wonderful fabrics Elizabeth sent me!

And found the perfect pattern called "Jitterbug"...

Now I know I'm old, but the jitterbug was well before 

my time!

But this checked fabric reminded me of

 Chubby Checker and the 60's...

So I call my project "Hucklebuck!"

(BTW I already have a quilt named "Twist & Shout")

......."Do the Hucklebuck......"

Each individual HST unit in these blocks finishes at 


And each of the five blocks is 9"...

It is now a table runner....

Final measurements- 12.5" X 53"

I quilted with a variegated Aurifil (28 weight) and 

used 50 weight in the bobbin, as recommended on 

their website.....

Can you spot the piecing mistake? Ugh....

I only realised when it was too late!

Never mind, I love it anyway!

Happy 4th July to my 'Stateside' readers!



Suz J said...

Those must have been the non-conformists (there are always some in every group)!

Leanne said...

This is a wonderful table runner!

Helen McNaught @ AuntyHennys said...

if you don't know how to do it...... then you're out of luck!! haha thanks for the memories Suz - Hucklebuck was the first 45 I bought when I was given a record player when I was 15 :-)

LOVE your gingham runner!!

Isisjem said...

This looks fab! No I don't see any mistakes it's too beautiful to notice anything other than it's prettiness!

Selfsewn said...

Oh now I think my runner is more hucleberry finn!
It's beautiful, cant believe you managed it in such a short time!
Love the varigated thread idea too.

Diane-crewe said...

no did not see any mistakes ! see a wonderful bright and cheerful table runner x

Mary said...

Ahhhhhh!!!! I love the Hucklebuck!I have to borrow your idea here {I am making a mental note}. It is truly fabulous with all those ginghams. I see the little turn around of your teeny triangles....that just adds character! Looks like you meant to do it! Love it, Susan!!!

Mrs Flying Blind... said...

I had to look really hard - some geese always fly off in their own direction - it's nature!

CityHouseStudio said...

I love the gingham!
Gosh, I had to look hard for the mistake, too -- no one will know!

OPQuilt said...

Love this, just like everyone else. I had to really hunt to find those flyaway geese taking off in their own direction, but it took me a while. I think it adds to the pizzazz of the quilt--like it was meant to be.

Thanks so much for playing along with Project Gingham. Now I know what to do with all the scraps I have left over!

You're amazing, and your table runner is just so fabulous!


Debbie said...

oh this is very fun! SO colorful. And agreed - the mistake doesn't overtake the pleasure of this lovely finish!

Nicole_boldgoods said...

I love this "jitterbug" block and the colors you use! The table runner is gorgeous!

Deborah said...

Love! Love! Love! The colors are beautiful!

Sarah PingsAndNeedles said...

great fabric choice for the block! Awesome gingham :)

Cherie said...

That looks awesome! Gingham fabrics are so bright and summery! Love the block and the runner =D

Canadian Abroad said...

Love it! The colours are so incredibly cheerful and who cares if their is an oops in it. Just makes it all the more unique.

Leanne said...

Nup can not see a mistake. How did your machine like different weights in the top and the bottom.

jeanne e. said...

i love this! i had to really look to see the oops. some artisans/cultures purposefully make an oops in the belief that only their higher power makes things perfect. ;)

Krista Schneider said...

it's so cheerful looking! Love that about those ginghams. I had to look hard for the piecing error, and i quite like that it's there. shows we're not perfect and i like mistakes in quilts for that very reason! thanks so much for playing gingham with us :D

Carla said...

Ah, shucks! I thought you did it on purpose...had me fooled!! Love those checkers!!

Rachaeldaisy said...

Suz, Your table runner is fantastic!! The perfect pattern for those fun fabrics. I like the piecing mishap, it adds movement, like somebody doing the jitterbug and one minute they're upside down , the next twirling around... Hucklebuck is a great name!!

Simone de Klerk said...

So pretty! I'm not the gingham kind of girl, but would definitely go for this one!
Funny, how you discover a 'mistake' once you finished the whole quilt. It does make it very personal!

Kirsty @ Bonjour Quilts said...

Fantastic - look how much you've done in your holidays! You're a sewing machine!
P.S. I had to look for a while to see the mistake so I doubt a non-sewer will even notice.

Cindy said...

It's beautiful! What a great make!

Live a Colorful Life said...

I just love this. I had such a good time playing with gingham. Thanks for playing along. Yes, I'm am unacceptably late in posting this comment. I'm so in love with HSTs right now and this block is just awesome!

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