I'm definitely a realist!
I had one of two choices as I put together the "Summer Stars" quilt top!
Well, three if you count tossing it in the bin!
You see this pattern nearly had me beat!
I managed the set-in diamonds without much difficulty....
Yes, more spotted background! |
It was the @$#(&$*@* points that got to me!
I was nearly halfway through getting it pieced together before I worked out what
the problem was.....
(The complicated piecing formation didn't help!)
So do I unpick not just all the piecing I had taken 4 hours to complete, but even
some of the stars themselves?
or continue and search for a solution I would be happy with.....
So the realist in me continued.
I was also afraid if I did unpick I may make the situation
even worse!
That 'yo-yo' hides a multitude of things! |
Then it really would have ended up in the garbage!
So long story short...its together!
Doesn't look to bad from here, does it? |
Some points are pretty good....
But some are just plain nasty!
I have learnt a little about quilting patterns from this marathon effort.....
Exact measurements of the stars themselves may have helped.
The other reason I decided to be a realist....
There are still too many lovely patterns out there I want to make!
So tell me, are you a perfectionist or a realist?
Happy sewing!
Linking up with Lee @ Freshly Pieced
Quilt Story for Fabric Tuesday!