Thursday, December 23, 2010

The best presents!

The best presents are those which we don't expect, don't you think?

This wonderful parcel arrived in the mail last week and I wasn't able to get an appropriate post up about 

it because I didn't have my usual computer.

It was sent by the amazing Carol from mamacjt!

Check out the cute hand made card!

Carol is a fantastic fabric artist who I met on Flick'r where I have admired her work for a long time.

I made some innocent comment about wishing I owned one of her pieces, and then a  Flick'r mail 


She wanted my address so she could send me something!

I said I would give her my snail mail, as long as I could return the favour in some way!

My little present is on its way.

Don't you just love both the colors and the compostion of this!

And the great 'bubbles' quilting!

What surprise presents have you received? 

Catch ya soon,


1 comment:

Wendy said...

What a sweet treat!! Merry Christmas! :)

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