Beginning my Tara Faughnan "Small World" quilt.....
This series of photographs gives you an idea
of how the blocks are made.
They are foundation paper pieced,
but sewn on the edge of the paper,
rather than through it.
Of course, it will need a new name,
so if you have any suggestions
I'd be very happy to hear them.
The finish involves getting the backing organised for
my "La Finestre" quilt.
I had the perfect vintage sheet squirrelled away,but it was slightly too long and too narrow.
I remembered seeing a method of widening fabric
by cutting it diagonally, moving one piece up or down
to give extra width.
There are tutorials and equations online
but my old brain couldn't see how it would work.
So I went with my tried and true method-
make a scale model.
I needed the backing to measure 70" by 65" |
Because my sheet was 60" by 80"
I scaled it down by 1:20 and cut a
paper rectangle 3" by 4",
Ooops, my photo shows I moved the paper down. |
made a diagonal cut and moved one piece up,and cut off the corners.
It measured 3.5" by 3.25"- perfect!
When you multiply it by 20 it would translate
to 70" by 65"
In this photo (below) you can see some of the diagonal
join on the floral backing
While I was playing, I decided to sew a label into the
corner, ready for me to add the quilt's details.
Once the quilt is basted I will start hand quilting it.
Happy sewing!