Sunday, June 9, 2024

La Finestre- a finish!

I'm not sure I have much left to say about this quilt.

I started it back in August last year,

 about ten months ago.

It is the Dotty Mc Potty pattern by Irene Blanck 

at Focus On Quilts.

I made my own trailing vine-type border rather  

than the one in the pattern.

It was obvious that I was running out of low-volume

 background fabric so a dear blogging friend, 

Karen at Sunburnt Quilts came to my rescue.

I found a vintage sheet in my stash for the backing, 

bought for me, I think, by my sister!

Yesterday my husband and I drove to Daylesford to see 

a quilt show (the less said the better!)

Then onto Taradale to do some family history research 

at the cemetery.

The little town and its park were the perfect backdrop 

for my photos.

I machine-quilted some long stitching around the blocks

and sashing, 

before adding lots and lots of hand quilting.

It's probably one of my favourite quilts! 

It was a joy to make!

Quilt #4 for 2024
Lifetime quilt #156
62" by 70"

Happy sewing,



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