Thursday, February 16, 2023

The good and the not-so-good.....

I recently picked up a charm pack from a second-hand 

store for $5!

Then Moda had a Charm Square Challenge and this 


the free pattern they provided.

It finished at 32". 

Over on Instagram, I mentioned my desire to make it 


And what should arrive in the mail but all these lovely 


And two new charm packs to play with!

Thank you Rose @somethingrosemade

You are a sweet and valued friend!

I think I showed you this at the end of last year.....

                   Finally, it has begun!

It has been a bit of a conundrum...for two reasons!

The fabrics supplied with the kit were not labelled and

 many did not resemble the photograph of the final 


I even added one of my own fabric because the one 

provided didn't fit well.

And nowhere in the book was there a colour 

photograph or diagram of this version of the design.

The coloured versions were all in reverse

Boy, did that play games with my old brain! 

Now that I am this far into the piecing 

(I'm hand stitching for accuracy) 

I have it sorted!

I'm really looking forward to piecing the blossoms in 

those pretty pinks and reds!

Happy sewing!



dutchcomfort said...

Your charm square project looks lovely! The blossom though would make my mind explode ;-)

Jan @Cocoa Quilts said...

I love that moda pattern! So many choices. Rose is such a great friend. I just received a package from her as well.

Lookingn forward to seeing your bigger moda love!

Susan Smith said...

How lovely of Rose to send the scraps & packs, a friend indeed. Ah, think that gum blossom would do my head in too. Look forward to seeing both projects as they progress. Take care & hugs. PS: Keep cool in this heat....we've just had a thunderstorm this morning with basically a short sprinkle of rain. Scary with dry storms as it is all so dry at the moment.

Anorina @SameliasMum said...

$5!! What a bargain. Quilty friends are the best.

Florida Farm Girl said...

I can't believe it, I made that exact same free Moda pattern from a charm pack I had on hand. Was stuck for a project to work on and figured it'd be mindless. I've also seen a current Edyta Sitar log cabin pattern that is basically that same star pattern.

Karen S said...

It looks like these charm packs will keep you busy! The moda design looks great.
Yes, the gum blossom blocks are not easy. A friend is having a bit of a battle, too. Good luck.

Linda @ kokaquilts said...

Quilty friends are the best! And yes, the gum blossom quilt pattern would have had me struggling!

OPQuilt said...

I'm totally impressed that you figured out the Ruth deVos. So frustrating when they don't present the kit from a beginner point of view, meaning, someone who is not familiar with all the pieces and colors. I guess they expected you to look at the photo on the front of the box and go with it. So glad you are getting it all sorted out!
Lucky you for all the extra fabric--you'll be able to do some fun things with that stash. I have a bit of that Spring Brook--it's a lovely set of prints.

FlourishingPalms said...

What a bargain to find a $5 charm pack! You must visit a thrift store fairly regularly. I have never gotten into that habit, so have never bought fabric (unless it's sheets or home dec "yardage"), so I think I'm missing out! The blocks you made are very pretty! And what a friend to send you fabric to make more! How wonderful! Your other project looks very interesting, and challenging! Hand appliqué, right? From the photo, those brownish leaves look real. Though I'm sorry to know the kit was lacking in proper instructions, you're doing a great job with it.

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