Sunday, February 12, 2023

A Flimsy!

I haven't spent much time at home 

over the last two weeks, 

so crafting time has been limited! 

I spent some time placing and moving blocks around 


my Carisbrook Cabin quilt.

And trying it out with a black-and-white photo.

Even after I had sewn the rows together I continued 

rearranging them.

I know it's not perfect, but we know what they say.....

"Better done than perfect!"

I want to get it basted and quilted real soon!

Happy days!



FlourishingPalms said...

It's looking absolutely perfect to me! Turn it any direction you wish, and you still get a great view. I love that you can hang a quilt top on your umbrella clothesline and get a beautiful photo. Pea-green with envy here. :-) I'm glad you enjoyed a couple weeks away. That's much more worthwhile than making another quilt... though I do love this one. Enjoy the quilting, whether you decide to do it by machine or by hand.

Florida Farm Girl said...

I love it! Such a happy little quilt. And I agree wholeheartedly that done is better than perfect any day.

Susan Smith said...

I love it and there is no such thing as "not perfect". We all see perfection, colours and hobbies in a different way. Well done & look forward to seeing the finishing stitches. Take care & hugs.

Anonymous said...

I love it! The black and white really helps with the values! Thanks, I have never tried that.

Barb N said...

What a fun scrappy quilt! I like the placement of your blocks. It will be a beauty!

Cindy said...

Absolutely gorgeous!!!!!! Love your use of solids with prints.

Needled Mom said...

That turned out beautifully! The arrangement of blocks is so pretty.

Karen S said...

I think your quilt top looks wonderful. Just as it is!!!!!
Great use of colour.

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