Monday, August 22, 2022

New Brighton Gardens

 a quilt finish! 

I thoroughly enjoyed making this quilt,

joining Elizabeth @OPQ in her free sew-along!

I started this back in January, not long after we moved 

to our temporary home at the beach.

And it is finished just as our time here winds up!

I've quilted it in Perle 8 thread, appropriately using a 

reel of Superior threads

 that Elizabeth sent me eons ago! 

I guess it was waiting for this quilt all the time!

Then I raided my depleting stash of threads, 

using a DMC in purple and finally some Aurifil hot pink.

I pieced the backing from fabric I had in my stash,

and bound it in an orange print bought specially for this 


I was organised enough to make the label before I 

bound the quilt so it is firmly attached to the back!

It is windy here in Brighton today, and rain is on its way.

So just some quick shots outside....

with this one to leave you with!

Quilt #4 for 2022
Lifetime Quilt #145

Happy days!



Susan Smith said...

A big WOW! Well done, it's beautiful & lucky to get some good photos without rain. It lashed down here last night east of Melbourne, so not sure if you got it too. Take care & hugs.

Needled Mom said...

It’s just lovely. The hand quilting you did on it is perfect. Beautiful.

OPQuilt said...

(Happily, this time my comment shows that I am in logged in, so this might work!)

Love, love, love this! That bright orange is just perfect for a border on your garden. I love all the colors in this quilt, and how you were inventive in different places. It's so fabulous, Suz! I'm so happy you jumped in with me this year--thank you so very much! Bravo on your quilt finish!

Danette said...

This quilt is absolutely gorgeous! Just a lovely quilt and beautiful, comfy hand-quilting.

Florida Farm Girl said...

Okay, we have to talk. You must stop posting new lovely quilts that I want to make! Haven't even touched the last one. Been busy on some Kathy Doughty patterns which have been fun. Hope the move goes well.

Julie Fukuda said...

I love the variety in each outer layer, and the choice of fabrics work so well together. I had to look closer to see if those were birds or cats in the corners. I wish all my scraps could work that well together.

Lynda said...

Such a fabulous quilt Susan - I really love it.

Linda @ kokaquilts said...

An amazing quilt, I love all your hand quilting! And the binding choice is delightful! {I thought I'd posted a comment but maybe not?)

Karen S said...

Wow, your New Brighton Gardens quilt is wonderful. You really have met the challenge of all the different techniques and turned out a lovely quilt.
I always enjoy your fabric combinations. And great to see all the hand quilting as well.

dutchcomfort said...

Your quilt is absolutely beautiful! I loved to watch all the steps and the binding in the icing on the cake!

FlourishingPalms said...

How delightful, Susan! You must be so proud. The colors are wonderful, and all the details in the design, along with your hand quilting, are a great combination. What a good memory quilt you've made of your time near the beach, and your relationship with Elizabeth. Using thread she sent makes it perfect. I'm happy for you to have this beautiful finish. I hope that leaving Brighton isn't too sad, and that you have a fun new place to go.

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