Saturday, March 30, 2019

Elaine's Legacy

I decided this quilt should be donated,

so when a work colleague said that her 

eighty-six year old Auntie Elaine was holding an 

afternoon tea for the Cancer Council....

I knew who I would give it too!

I had a great time FMQ those floral designs in the 

large white spaces.

I love the texture.....

even before I washed it!

And so crinkly after!

Oh, yes Elaine is the auntie's name!

And #4 for 2019!

Now onto #105!

Happy sewing!



O'Quilts said...

Great quilt...and lovely to donate.

Karen S said...

Lovely idea to donate the quilt and a worthy cause, too.
Love the way it came together and great results with the quilting.

FlourishingPalms said...

You’re so good! Piecing that lovely quilt, and then practicing free motion quilting - making it even prettier - and then donating it. You’re very generous. Good on you!

OPQuilt said...

So fun to see the name of this quilt, and to think about how your handiwork has enriched so many lives, because of your generosity. Congratulations on a lovely finish, and here's to many more!

Julie said...

Your quilting is beautiful, such a lovely quilt to donate too.

roaa mohamed said...

عزيزي الزبون قد تجد العديد من مؤسسات النقل ولكن يلزم ان تكون علي معرفة بإمكانيات المؤسسة التي تقوم باختيارها والتعامل معها في عمليه النقل، وهذا لأنه يترتب على اختيارك لها نتائج سوأ كانت بالسلب او بالإيجاب، فلابد من ان تتسم بالحرص القوي اثناء اختيارك للشركة التي تقوم بمثل تلك العملية، فقد يظهر لك الامر سلس في الطليعة، ولكن لا مفر من الاختيار الجيد لها، وذلك يعتمد علي وجود الكثير من الخبرات الضرورية لنقل الأثاث، والتمكن في الشغل من منحى الأيدي العاملة المتاحة والمدربة بالمؤسسة، فكن حريص في اختيارك
شركه نقل اثاث من الرياض الى القصيم
شركه نقل عفش من الرياض الى القصيم
شركه نقل عفش

Linda H said...

Great colours, great quilting, a wonderful donation fora worthy cause! I'm sure it will be much appreciated.

Wendy @ Wendysquiltsandmore said...

Hi Susan - what a lovely quilt. I've never seen some of those fabrics before, but they go so well together. I'm sure it will be loved. Thank you for linking up to the Peacock Party.

Suz J said...

Such a great idea to donate to such a worthy cause. The fabrics you chose just lend themselves to this pattern so well. Awesome finish!

Anne / Springleaf Studios said...

Wonderful quilt and quilting. Generous donation for a worthy cause.

Anja @ Anja Quilts said...

That's a great flower motif. I finished my quilt tops but haven't decided on a quilting plan yet.

Chookyblue...... said...

beautiful and so kind to donate for the raffle............

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