
Wednesday, April 13, 2022

Go Escargot!

 It was February the last time I shared these Snail Trail 


Since then the number has increased....

I've broadened the palette to include red, blue, yellow 

and brown.

It's interesting to see the way the pattern can look quite 

different, depending on which way the block is turned.

Can you see the difference between this.....

and this?

It certainly helps to stand back and look from a 


            Don't stress... this is the 'correct' way 

Yesterday I bought these 10" squares...

which will be used for future blocks.


Happy sewing!



  1. It always amazes me how taking a picture changes your whole perspective on the block / layout.

  2. Oooh! Those blocks are so pretty! They will make a beautiful quilt.

  3. It's so interesting playing with blocks and seeing the alternate ways the pattern plays out. Your new fabric bundle is lovely. Have fun, enjoy the Easter break & hugs.

  4. Wow, that's going to be terrific. I agree, being able to step back and get a look from a distance helps a lot. Hard to do in my small place, so worth taking it to the church fellowship hall when I can.

  5. I love those blocks! Years ago I made some for a charity quilt and I kept stitching the snails in the wrong way! Love the sweet stash of future snail fabrics!

  6. These are great blocks and I like the fabrics you are finding to use. Lots of fiddly work in them but a great end result.

  7. It always amazes me how just using different fabrics can change a block pattern, never mind rotating the block. Those are lovely.

  8. Gosh these are looking great! Your are giving new life to a traditional block, I love your fabric choices. And yes, all the different ways to spin them are intriguing! Oh, and I love all the variety in your background neutrals too. This looks like excellent scrappy play!

  9. (I'm chuckling at your closing line.)

    I have always loved Snail's Trail. One of my friends (Lisa) for years made it her "signature" block, but she hasn't sewn it for a while. I'm happy to get my fix by looking at your blocks here and on IG. I can't decide which arrangement I like best, as they both have their own characteristics. I'll just wait until you decide, and then enjoy your creative ideas!

    (PS You don't have to write back on all these comments--I know a batch of them is a lot!)


Kind comments welcome!