
Saturday, April 30, 2022

The green theme continues!

I think it took me a while to realise that green is my favourite colour….


But there’s no denying I love wearing it!


I recently finished a blouse, made from a lovely rayon floral,

purchased at Darn Cheap Fabric sometime last year.

I remember we had not been out of lockdown very long,


And I had a lovely chat with another shopper about just browsing and touching fabric….

And dreaming of what we might make….


And having a reason to go out and wear our newly made garment!


And the pattern (New Look 6704) I chose was 

purchased during a Spotlight sale…

Where again I chatted with a lady about our possible purchases.

This was a fairly easy pattern to make…


And I was very chuffed when the button loops pulled 

through perfectly!


You can’t see it, but I finished the inside sleeve and side 

seams with a French seams


So it’s almost as nice on the inside as on the out!

Now I guess I better find a place to wear my new 


Happy sewing!



  1. oh wow I love the green and all the pics......and even better it was a bargain.......

  2. That is a gorgeous green. Perfect pattern, too. Love the front tab and the collar. That works really well. Forget going somewhere special. Just wear it!

  3. This turned out so nice and looks darling on you!!

  4. Very nice. I can see it being worn a lot. Take care.

  5. Yes, the green suits you. I know what you mean about the button loops turning out just right and the french seams will make it all very strong. You'll have to make another now. BTW - love the hair cut :)

  6. Beautiful - and it looks lovely on you, too!

  7. Great job! Now to go our and about to show it off.

  8. I am wanting to touch this fabric--it must be soft because it's rayon, and drapeaule, too. So pretty, and it looks great on you! Congratulations on getting those details right--especially those loops for the buttons. It's a happy day when all the bits work out like you planned.

    I went and read In The Fold, and chose one of their jackets. I'm going at turtle's pace around here for sewing, but I love reading about your successes!


Kind comments welcome!