
Friday, April 8, 2022

My first quilt finish for 2022

 Summer at the beach has been my focus for the last 

three months...

The view on my morning walk

But as the weather cools, the sewing machine calls!

A friend recently celebrated a significant birthday, 

so I decided "Shuffle" would make a great gift.

I kept the quilting simple, 

stitching in the ditch on the diagonal....

then finished with some hand quilted circles

 in 8 Perle thread.

The backing was pieced from two vintage sheets...

You can see the quilting better here

I forgot to measure it before I gifted it last night,

but I think it was roughly 60" square, 

perfect lap and nap size, don't you think?

Quilt #1 for 2022

"Shuffle" quilt

Lifetime quilts #142

Happy sewing!



  1. How lovely. Hand made presents are always the best kind, I am sure it will be cherished.

  2. Very, very nice & what a lovely gift for a friend. She is very lucky. Take care and hugs.

  3. What a lovely birthday gift. I like the scrappiness and the way you et the blocks. Enjoy those beach walks. It's quite an inviting view.

  4. A great quilt! I recently gifted two quilts, and the +ve feedback was really lovely, and all the encouragement I needed to start something new!

  5. Deliciously scrappy! I’m sure it was well received and much appreciated.

  6. No excuses needed for not having a quilt finish until now! We all have life to deal with, and we're not all sitting in front of our sewing machines all the time. I think it's great that you've been enjoying and reveling in your nearness to the beach. Sounds perfect to me! And the Shuffle quilt you just gifted to your friend is wonderful! Love the colorful scraps set off by the gray/light setting blocks. Your machine and hand quilting make it seem like the perfect cuddle quilt. No doubt she'll love and use it well.

  7. Congratulations on a beautoful finish!!

  8. A lovely finish and a great first quilt for the year.
    The grey is lovely in between the patches.
    A very special gift.
    The beach is a lovely background.

  9. (I always love reading the comments made by your friends--so thoughtful and lovely.)

    Shuffle--what a perfect name for this lovely gift. I think 60" square is a perfect size for naps and throws for adults, and what a great way to use up scraps. Of course, the arrangement and what you did with them elevates them beyond just bits of cloth. I hope the recipient loves her quilt, and treasures her gift. Congrats on a lovely finish!

  10. that's a lovely quilt for your friend.......and I love all the pics you have taken with the quilt......I love that part at the end.....


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