
Wednesday, April 15, 2020

Felt bunnies for Easter!

I made this little felt bunny about eight years ago,

so I thought it was time to make another...

one or two.

I was lucky to find my original sketch and used it 

and the photo to make another pattern.

and decided to make a carrot pouch as well as an 

Easter egg!

My grandsons were thrilled when I showed them on 

Facetime at the weekend.

Goodness knows when I will be able to give them to 

them! 😞

Happy sewing!



  1. Your little bunnies are just adorable! Hope you can give them to your grandsons in person very soon.

  2. Those little guys are adorable!! Can you mail them?

  3. Love the bunnies and when the kids are grown up, they will always 'remember the time when Grannie made the bunnies' - a time we'll never forget! Chins up and keep on crafting :)

  4. They are delightful. perfect for a little one and a grandparent.
    Can you post them?

  5. Hello Suz,
    it is also nice to look forward to something, like giving the Bunnies to your grandsons. :o)
    Kepp calm and sew on... Doris :o)

  6. The bunnies are very cute... I particularly like the embroidery on the original. Well done on finding the pattern! Thats some organisation skills right there!

  7. So cute, Susan, and I completely sympathize about wondering when you can give them to your grandies. The future is still so uncertain. Our daughter’s 44th birthday is Monday. I made her birthday card (no standing in a store, handling multiple cards, looking for the right one to buy) and mailed it, but didn’t send the package (no need to expose myself to anyone at the post office) with her new table runner and face mask. It’s amazing what the entire world has come to, right? Please take care of yourself. Stay safe.


Kind comments welcome!