
Monday, April 6, 2020

Shine Your Halo!

It's not often I name a quilt before I've made it, 

but this seems a good name for my version of 

Jen Kingwell's "Halo" pattern.

I had long admired it and had even found

 a version in this book: 

Although my busy blue version will look totally 

different from this one!

I am really enjoying cutting into my stash of blue 


generously supplemented through a swap with Linda 

last year!

Here are a few more of the blocks I have been 


I'm enjoying the challenge of machine sewing curves again.

Here are the four blocks.

And I couldn't resist making a collage to get a bit of 

feel for the final layout....

And I love it!

Happy sewing!



  1. Soooooo gorgeous! I really love your blue blocks and I can’t wait to see your finished quilt. I’m sure that it’ll be glorious.


  2. Looking amazing! I'm a great fan of 'blue' quilts. As I wrote over on ig, I too thought you'd had a massive sewing session and finished! Such a great way to keep inspired.

  3. Love the fabrics you are using. Interesting pattern

  4. This turned out beautifully--a stunning quilt lovely work!
    ~ ~ ~ ~ waves from rainy climes Julierose ;)))

  5. wow! you are one of the first bloggers i started to follow in my mornings at the computer, and you still amaze me

  6. This is so quintessentially your style... a little bit of this... and that... a complicated but strong design... and you do curves very well!

  7. I agree with what Suz said, above. Your style is very apparent, as are your fabric choices even when you’re using someone else’s.Your print combinations are very Jen Kingwell-ish.Nice that you’re enjoying piecing curves too. They aren’t so fearful, are they? My latest finish has curves too. Have fun continuing to make blocks. And I hope you are doing okay... staying away from other people, well-stocked for groceries, and getting out for fresh air and exercise. Nows the time to take care of ourselves.

  8. This is looking so good. Great fun with all those different fabrics. And if the real one looks anything like the collage it will be stunning.

  9. I love this, so inspiring that I might try sewing curves. Would you believe I'm waiting for my Jen Kingwell book to arrive, I'll let you know which one I bought later. As always, your fabric combinations are luscious.

  10. I just love the look of your Halo quilt. It has a vintage vibe about it that is very appealing. Hope you are staying healthy and safe.

  11. Luv, luv, luv! I am working on a scrappy version of Halo and just adore the way all of those fabrics play together. The tiny square-in-a-square blocks just make me smile. None of by blocks are together as I've been moving things around, but I think it's time to start. It's been on the wall long enough :).

  12. I am slowly catching up on my reading...happy to hear that you are machine sewing these blocks! I have loved loved your blue Halo quilt every time I see it on IG, but wondered if it were one of your handsewn quilts, or machine. Such relief to hear machine, as I've put this one on my List of Quilts to Make (in blue). Thanks for leading the way.


Kind comments welcome!