
Monday, November 30, 2015

"Stepping towards Christmas"

 I am very pleased to have this finished;

Can you spot the mistake?

Especially as I am 'unsewing' a quilt at the moment!

My lovely MCM Bee ladies made me 

"Stepping Stone" blocks,

 when I was Queen for July!

A quilt for Christmas is not very useful in a 

Southern Hemisphere summer,

so I decided a table runner was a more practical


and photographed it in the staff common room at 

the school where I live....

 I love the back as much as the front.

I think I need a big table like this one,

so I can really appreciate it!

Happy days!



  1. Love it, mistake and all. Those colours are beautiful and the stitching and stripy binding are perfect.

  2. It looks fabulous! At first glimpse, I thought this was a Christmas banner ... What a great idea to turn your Bee blocks into this humongous Christmas table runner, I love it!!

  3. It looks lovely Susan. Great idea to make a runner. Enjoy your week : )

  4. It looks great - warts (mistake) and all... you are right, a runner is a lot more practical for our Christmases on this side of the world :-)

  5. An enviable finish, Susan. Gorgeous design for a runner - the design and colours are a perfect match (and you can't top the charming appeal your hand quilting adds). I'm just smitten with this beauty!

  6. That really is a perfect Christmas table runner, but will you be brave enough to let people spill red wine and gravy on it? I know I would be nervous about staining such prettiness!

  7. I really love the way this turned out! Also the way you surrounded the back block with the signature blocks is awesome. I must remember that, as my goal for 2016 is to finally complete the MCM blocks I have accumulated so far!

  8. It turned out beautifully Susan!!! You're awesome to incorporate our mistakes ;-)) I love the glimpse into your school. Such a lovely place to hang out. xoxoxo

  9. Great way to use the blocks regardless of the oops. It looks great on the table. (You may have to borrow that one!)
    I found the staff room tables great for basting when I needed to do a big quilt.

  10. There are some great pieces of furniture there for quilty photography. What is the backing fabric?

  11. It's gorgeous and the mistake is so minor, I never would have noticed if you hadn't mentioned it. I agree, the back is gorgeous in its own right. What a lovely finish!

  12. Really beautiful and festive!

  13. Oh boy auto correct really messed up. Your runner is lovely

  14. Love this runner! I made a red/white runner some years ago, and every Christmas I'm happy to see it again. I'll be that your creative will be much the same--a treasured friend to greet each Christmas season. I loved the photos of it not only on the table, but also draped across the sofa--it really brings a festive touch wherever it is!


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