
Sunday, November 29, 2015

Keeping it real...

Some of my followers may remember this 

quilt from last year...

Shelburne Tartan

It gets an inordinate number of pins on Pinterest!

Go figure?

To say the quilting on it was a failure would be an 


It looked a little 'off' before I washed it, but even 

worse after!

A quilting disaster!

And it has been hiding in the cupboard of shame for 

over twelve months!

So yesterday I decided to 'bite the bullet' and start 


This is the result of three hours of 'unsewing'!

I have more entertainment awaiting me tonight!

Have you ever completely unpicked a finished quilt...

Binding and quilting!

Stay tuned for a better finish than what I have here!

(This is where the quilt pattern originally came from, 

in case anyone of those 'pinners' are interested!)

Happy days!



  1. I'm sure you will be much happier with your quilt once you quilt it again, I think its beautiful.

  2. As yet I haven't unpicked a finished quilt, but never say never, although I do have a quilt that I wasn't completely happy with, but as it isn't one that I love, it will probably be given away at some stage. Your quilt is quite lovely, so I'm sure you are going to be really happy with the new finish that you are going to give it.

  3. Wow, you beat me for determination! I would unpick while I was making, but once that binding was on, no way, José! I'm sure you will feel so happy about the result once you're done.

  4. How disheartening to "unsew" a quilt, but you will feel so much better about it once it is re-done.

  5. I haven't – yet – but I do think this top is worth the effort. A gazillion pinners cannot be wrong, right? Hang in there.

  6. I never have but sounds like you'll be happier....

  7. If you've taken so much time and money to make the quilt it's worth doing but oh, such a pain.
    I've never unpicked a whole quilt but have some on a quilt I started quilting to do. You've inspired me to do it!

  8. Such a lovely quilt, it will be worth it! My 'quilty' friend Glenys had this experience, her quilt is all now unpicked, and yes it took a while, but she's so happy to get another chance at making it right!

  9. I've never unpicked a totally complete quilt. I have unpicked a totally quilted one and a partially quilted one. Maybe re-quilted you'll be able to enjoy the quilt.

  10. You're so brave, I'm cheering you on. I've never unpicked a quilt but I definitely think you'll be happier for doing it. The quilt is gorgeous.

  11. Oh my goodness. No I haven't . I think I would just use it as is. It is lovely tho. Hope you are happy with the second attempt ; )

  12. What a lot of work but it should resurrect amazingly. For a couple of the quilts I made last year I used a quality polyester batting - bad move. the one which has received a lot of use and several washings has bearded badly. The other is my favourite own design EPP which I hand quilted in silks. It hasn't been washed, nor hardly used. I don't know if I have the heart to 'unsew' all the hand quilting, now enough silk to requilt. I'm thinking I'll just wash it very gently by hand, maybe keep it mostly a wall quilt - and put it down to experience.

  13. It's such a lovely quilt I can see why you would patiently do all that unpicking. Good for you!

  14. I admire your determination! No, I have not ever unstitched a quilt. Your cupboard of shame comment brought a chuckle ;-))

  15. I admire you for tackling this task. I think I would given up on that idea. Good luck!

  16. Oh my!!!! You are a good person, Susan. Hopefully the new version will be perfect!

  17. Ooh Susan, so glad you bit the unpicking bullet! I'm considering unpicking the machine quilting on my summer if love quilt! Like your quilt its much loved online...but it's always folded away at home, possibly because of my quilting! How has the quilt top fared, after the unpicking?

  18. Actually, I love taking things apart and have rarely encountered a sewn piece which I won't tackle! It's very cathartic (sp). And seeing this quilt reminds me that I have a red one waiting for me to start!! Good luck - you can always ship it to me if you tire of picking!

  19. Oh my! I can't believe you unpicked it all (but you had a lovely tool to help you). Usually my answer to that kind of distortion is quilt it more, but I think you chose the wiser course. It is a stunning quilt!


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