
Thursday, September 11, 2014

Happy Birthday Helen!

I haven't enjoyed making something so much 

as I did making this...

for my sister's recent birthday.

Helen had admired my first Sew Together Bag, 

so I didn't need an excuse to make another!

Oh, its blurry! I'm seem to be making a habit of that!

I pieced simple patchwork from my stash, 

from my favourite palette of pink and yellow!

and had fun choosing matching zippers...

and construction went smoothly too!

Although I do all the bindings by hand, not machine!

So now just the final shots....

Here it is enjoying some Spring sunshine!

And some indoor shots!

Rather appropriately it is now living happily by the 


given the fabric I chose!

I will leave you with a favourite photo from another 

day at the beach...

Helen, Mum and I (circa 1960)

Happy days,



  1. Happy Birthday Helen (cue Paul Kelly!)
    I love this so much - the colours are just so great together. I especially love how vibrant the fuchsia is and that yellow - so rich.
    Nice work, Suz, (and it's always a good idea to make the photos of bottoms blurry, I say)

  2. Lovely gift and wonderful 1960's photo.

  3. That's one beautiful zippy pouch! The color combo is really eye catching. Perfect birthday gift.


  4. The perfect birthday gift! And the colors will be right at home living at the beach.

    Great flashback photo as well!

  5. Awesome birthday gift in lovely colours!

  6. This is wonderful! I love seeing how you are using these fabrics! :) Thanks for sharing!

  7. I just love the sew together bag. This one is especially cute. Love those colors.

  8. I love it. Great colour combination and fabrics.

  9. love , love it! especially the inside pockets! with zippers no less!!

  10. Such a gorgeous ST bag - love your choice of fabrics! I have just finished making one of these this week too:)

  11. I love the way you used the different colours and with zips to match. The pinl polka dor binding is the cherry on the cake!

  12. Love your bag. I have only seen one in person. Aren't hey rather small? Just curious what all they hold.

  13. what a brilliant birthday present :-)

  14. Your bag for your sister looks amazing. Love the fabrics. I am smiling because I have just been given one.

  15. Lovely! I'm sure your sister will love this pretty and practical bag. Great fabric/colour combinations!

  16. Looks lovely Susan. I would never have thought of putting pink and yellow together - colours that I struggle to use. And they just look so nice!!! Although I think having a great wee stash helps too :0)

  17. It's just gorgeous Suz. My half made one is still sitting in the cupboard - the bindings daunted me, but maybe hand sewing is the way to go.

  18. Gosh, is this ever pretty! Your sister had to have gone gah-gah over it! Lucky sister. You do beautiful work, and it's apparent you've nailed down the instructions on this Sew Together Bag - twice now! Very well done. You can be proud of your efforts.

  19. Gorgeous bag! I just love all those beautiful fabrics together!

  20. Isn't there a song by Things of Stone and Wood with the title 'happy birthday, Helen'? I might have the band wrong.
    I love the colours and fabrics you choose. I must stop procrastinating and make one of these bags!

  21. Oh, this makes me so happy just looking at the photos, Susan. The colors just sing!!! If she wasn't a Heather Ross fan already, I'm sure that she is now! What will Helen store in her darling bag?

  22. Oh my gosh! How did I miss this? I will blame it on a new baby in the family! Lol! Happy birthday to Helen! And her sew together bag is wonderful! All those zips remind me of spring! Perfect fabrics and perfect colors! Fabulous, Susan!

  23. I have yet to make one of these for myself. You have a lucky sis

  24. This is so beautiful! I love the way you used the deeper magenta-y tones to really point up the contrasts in the mermaid fabric (I should drag mine out and do something with it!). So pretty to see this bag done in soft colors--really superb!


  25. A very happy project - and beautiful too. I'm guessing it was easier second time around. Does Helen sew also?


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