
Sunday, September 7, 2014

Cobbled Illustrations

I have finished my Cobbled quilt- 

now named "Cobbled Illustrations" to include the 

name of the P & B textiles fabric collection 

it is made from.

It is hard to see but I quilted it in straight-ish lines, 

echoing the houses in red thread.

Once I decided on a path I just meandered through,

stitching lines about one inch apart.

This is the obligatory 'rolled-up' shot 

with its spotted binding!

 The red door has to be my favourite part!

I used bamboo batting, because that is all the shop had!

It gives a lovely snuggly feel 

now it has been washed!

I'm happy to have a recipient in mind for this.

One day this lap sized quilt will live in Scotland, 

maybe as a reminder of the terrace house 

they lived in in South Melbourne!

Happy days!



  1. This quilt turned out beautifully. The dot border looks perfect with it.

  2. Yay, for a fabulous finish, Suz! I'm so impressed as finishing seems to be a struggle for me of late...but, I have plans to do better!! Your Scotland friends will be so pleased with such a fun quilt, especially handmade by you!

  3. A lovely gift for a lucky friend! I don't mind the bamboo either...I think it's probably more environmentally conscious as well, being a quick growing renewable resource, compared to cotton.

  4. What a striking quilt! the red is wonderful for adding spark to the black and white fabrics. I particularly like the houses. A wonderful gift for your friends in Scotland.

  5. This has turned into quite a stunning quilt. And it sounds like it is destined to travel.

  6. great quilt - Love all those fun B&W prints. The red adds lots of interest - remember Elizabeth Ardens red door? reminded me of that.

  7. Wow! I love this quilt! I am a sucker for architecture and prints with houses, buildings and especially doors are just fabulous! I am so glad P & B textiles decided to send you fabrics! THey must have known you would work your magic with their fabrics! Brilliant!

  8. It's beautiful, what a lovely gift. I love the pops of red, they are very effective on this quilt.

  9. Great quilt. I agree the red door print is fantastic :)

  10. I love the red door too. So many interesting prints in this one. I hope the recipient will enjoy the quilt and the memories.

  11. Oh . . . I love the red door too. Very nice!

  12. I like rolled up shots. The pops of red look fabulous

  13. such an unusual quilt, but so effective. I am sure it will be well loved :-)

  14. This is terrific, Susan! When I read your earlier post about this, I thought your vision of cutting larger chunks to show off the fabric was brilliant. . . and now in the completed finish, I can see your wisdom. Congrats on another finish, and how thoughtful to gift it to someone who will love it. You are the best.


  15. I love how it turned out! And that first shot with the blue sky in the background is just perfect. Also perfect...the dotty binding!

  16. Thats a cool quilt - love the Pops of red in it!

  17. This finish is spectacular! I like the pops of red. The colors are very sophisticated but the quilt still had a touch of whimsy.

  18. This is sure special! I've never seen that fabric print, and you're right, the red door is special. I like how you added the red accents. Glad to hear you like bamboo batting. It's one type that I haven't yet tried. Happy for you to have this pretty finish.

  19. This looks like it was a fun one to make. And who doesn't love a Dottie binding?


Kind comments welcome!