
Sunday, July 28, 2013

Of This and That....

My lovely blogging friend 

Melissa, of 100billionstars

generously sent me some of her

beautiful fabric 'scraps'!

I am thinking a patchwork zipper pouch 

might be pretty!

Suggestions being taken...

And more happy mail in the post box....

Rocky Mountain Puzzle bee blocks,

from Nicky and Sarah (via Nicky)- thanks ladies!

Lastly, I have a finish- my first for the quarter!

This jumper has been two+ years in the making!

I am happy to have it off the knitting needles,

and in the wardrobe!

Linking up with the 2013 F-A-L...

she can quilt

- my first for the quarter!

Happy sewing!


Sunday, July 21, 2013

Birds of a Feather...

flock together.

Yes, I have my AMH "Feathers" quilt top complete!

I'll be honest,

I struggled for a time...

with rectangles of various sizes,

in both width and length, 

I couldn't get my head around their placement- 

the angles

and where the edges of quilt should be...

I decided I needed something as 

 a reference point.

You can see the quilt underneath the Feather blocks...
So I picked a quilt off the pile 

to use as my design wall.

I then set about 

placing, cutting and re-stitching 

sections and setting triangles,

until it was together! 

Nothing too mathematical, just trial and error really!

The top now measures roughly 60" square.

Do you think it needs borders?

There are a lot of bias edges to contend with!

But I have no more background solid left-

neither Kona Ash nor the original background fabric!

( I thought I might even run 

out of fabric altogether at one stage!)

 I could always order more, 

including the backing I now need!

In the meantime I am waiting for 

quilting inspiration to strike!

Thank you ladies of the Mid-Century Modern Bee...

I love my quilt!

Happy sewing!


Thursday, July 18, 2013


I have made some bee blocks.

from the Modern Blocks book!
The first for Nicky, which arrived today!

And this happy house block for Miss Luella 

as part of the Mid-Century Modern Bee!

I decided to design my own house....

based on cottages here in Melbourne

which were popularly built in the 1800's...

Finally I have received some fabulous 

Rocky Mountain Puzzle blocks...

from (the bottom up) Leanne, Di, Rhonda and Emily 
as Queen of June 

in the Modern Stitching Bee!

Plenty to keep me busy....

Happy sewing!


Monday, July 15, 2013

F-A-L List...

It really has been a year of 'slow sewing' in my little corner of blogland.

I've decided I needed a push to have some more 
finishes before the year really gets away from me!

So I am joining in with the FAL, 
ably run by Leanne over @ She Can Quilt;

 And putting my list out there for all to see...

1.   "Feathers" Bee quilt:

I have decided on the 'angled' layout and 
begun piecing it together.  
I would love to have this complete- 
machine quilted and bound by the end of this quarter!

2.   Reindeer Games embroideries:

I have picked these up intermittently over the last couple of months and would really to have them made into Christmas bunting, with time to spare!
I have four more to complete and then come up with a plan on how to finish them!

3. Knitted jumper (sweater to my Northern Hemisphere friends):

I only have the collar to knit (but it is a BIG one!) and sew it together. To be wearing it this winter would be great! 

That's it! Three in three months!

As Mum used to say, "We'll see!"

At least the variety of my projects might keep me motivated!

Happy days!


Thursday, July 11, 2013

Really Random Thursday....

A cute 'Summery' mural on the wall of

 public conveniences 

on the Mornington Peninsula...

covered in lace and yarn!

seen in the bathroom of a favourite coffee shop...

And I'm swapping some Polaroids!

These are such fun!

These are two of my favourites!

Another City Sampler block!

And I have had the Feathers out again...

I am thinking of setting them at an angle, 

probably adding fabric between them all...

to give them more room to 'fly'...

What do you think?

Productively will slow down somewhat now...

I am back to work on Monday!

 (And just on a side note...

I've noticed while trying to comment on blogs via Blog Lovin',

that it is not possible for some....

I'm wondering whether it has to do with the blog's comment settings?

I think it needs to be set at "Pop-Up Window" rather than "Embedded"? 

Worthwhile checking if you've noticed a drop off in comments since July 1!)

Happy days!


Sunday, July 7, 2013

Back to the Blocks....

the City Sampler ones this time!

I am not sure what I have shown you, 

so here are the latest three....

Don't try to find all of them in the book though!

I made some 'creative' changes!

And as I was feeling in a creative mood,

I designed one of my own.....

I am rather pleased with how it turned out!

I'm off to snap make some polaroid blocks!

Happy days!


Thursday, July 4, 2013

Ticked off.....

the things on my list, that is!

I wanted to have something to show 

from my second week of holidays....

(Sorry, no quilts today!)

So I wrote and list and....

made a winter skirt...

with a fringed hem...

made an apron,

from the Patchwork Please! book....

and used an old tea towel to make a fabric basket...

It still needs some big stitching on the top edge.

that's Flinders Street Railway Station, 

in Melbourne featured there!

And all I did while I was at the beach last week 

was knit...

Sleeves and collar to go!

I'd liked this finished really soon!

Linking up with Really Random Thursday...

Live A Colorful Life

although it is 4th July

so maybe Cindy will be out celebrating!

Happy days!