
Thursday, July 4, 2013

Ticked off.....

the things on my list, that is!

I wanted to have something to show 

from my second week of holidays....

(Sorry, no quilts today!)

So I wrote and list and....

made a winter skirt...

with a fringed hem...

made an apron,

from the Patchwork Please! book....

and used an old tea towel to make a fabric basket...

It still needs some big stitching on the top edge.

that's Flinders Street Railway Station, 

in Melbourne featured there!

And all I did while I was at the beach last week 

was knit...

Sleeves and collar to go!

I'd liked this finished really soon!

Linking up with Really Random Thursday...

Live A Colorful Life

although it is 4th July

so maybe Cindy will be out celebrating!

Happy days!



  1. Great title for your post! You have been busy--I sure like that skirt.

  2. Great title for your post! You have been busy--I sure like that skirt.

  3. What a classy skirt! Love the fabric. And of course I think your apron is the cutest.

  4. I was a bit afraid to open your page! Hee hee! I love the skirt and the apron is adorable! You are so good to be able to keep stitching while on break. Love the idea of a basket from a tea towel....especially one you want to keep. They get ratty as you use them, now your tea towel will stay nice :)

  5. Uh oh! I was wondering what you were ticked off about. :) Glad to hear it was positive and not negative. Love the apron!

  6. Love your new skirt!!! I recognised Flinders St Station as soon as I saw your cool tea towel basket. Your knitting is such a beautiful colour.

  7. Great projects! How satisfying.

  8. What a fun hounds tooth skirt! The knitting is impressive.

  9. Talking about lists and goals must be catchy... glad your one has been behaving itself. Very trendy looking skirt... is it to wear to school?

  10. Ooh I do like that skirt it's perfect weather for knitting.

  11. Cool skirt! I really wish I wore skirts - it's a piece of clothing I could actually make, but they are just not flattering or comfortable for me. And I totally know the feeling of wanting something to show for your time spent sewing. It's half the reason I do smaller projects - just for that instant gratification fix!

  12. I love that skirt and the knitting and sewing all looks lovely. It seems to me you have been having a lovely break.

  13. I, too, love your skirt! And I need some time at the beach to just chill and stitch. Thanks for the inspiration.

  14. Darling skirt! Will you wear it to work? I remember having one like it (red plaid) when I was in sixth grade. Mine had a big, gold decorative safety pin to adorn it. Do you have one of those too? That yarn looks really pretty. I can sure surmise that it's winter there!

  15. I need to make myself a skirt or two. Or three. I keep buying the fabric to make the skirts, then never get around to getting them sewn. Since it's so temperate here during the winter season, most of my skirts can be made of cotton or linen... and since I don't get them sewn up in time, lately they've become quilt backs!

    You inspire me!


  16. I was afraid that you were experiencing some sort of quilting snafu! You tricked me! I"m always very impressed by hand knit sweaters, yours included. I can barely crochet a simple dish cloth without making a mistake! Your skirt is darling!!


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