
Monday, July 15, 2013

F-A-L List...

It really has been a year of 'slow sewing' in my little corner of blogland.

I've decided I needed a push to have some more 
finishes before the year really gets away from me!

So I am joining in with the FAL, 
ably run by Leanne over @ She Can Quilt;

 And putting my list out there for all to see...

1.   "Feathers" Bee quilt:

I have decided on the 'angled' layout and 
begun piecing it together.  
I would love to have this complete- 
machine quilted and bound by the end of this quarter!

2.   Reindeer Games embroideries:

I have picked these up intermittently over the last couple of months and would really to have them made into Christmas bunting, with time to spare!
I have four more to complete and then come up with a plan on how to finish them!

3. Knitted jumper (sweater to my Northern Hemisphere friends):

I only have the collar to knit (but it is a BIG one!) and sew it together. To be wearing it this winter would be great! 

That's it! Three in three months!

As Mum used to say, "We'll see!"

At least the variety of my projects might keep me motivated!

Happy days!



  1. As always I love the feathers...but my eye was quite taken by that very dapper reindeer in a smoking jacket...too cute!

  2. Good to hear that the angle layout is what your choose!! That sweater is going to be a stunner. Red work....yummy!

  3. All looking lovely! I reckon you'll get it all done :)

  4. Lots of cool projects. Your feathers bee quilt is going to be absolutely beautiful! Good luck for lots of finishes this quarter!

  5. I love all these projects! Great knit!

  6. Great projects and yes do finish the feathers!

  7. The colors used in your feathers are just yummy! Great list you have there :)

  8. 3 in 3 months sounds very reasonable. And they're all such fabulous projects that you'll want to get them finished.

  9. Good luck. They all look great so which one gets to go first?

  10. With such fun projects on the "To Be Finished" list, I'm sure you won't have any problems meeting your goal.

  11. I think your feathers will look great! And that knitting is fantastic...ohhhh....I wish I could knit!

  12. You've chosen some very good FAL projects - a little sewing, a little hand work, a little knitting. They will be plenty to accomplish while working, but they don't seem unreasonable. That's the most difficult part of choosing projects to commit to, isn't it? How many to think one can realistically accomplish. Good luck to you!

  13. Can't wait to see the feathers all stitched together.

  14. Oh, I know you'll get them finished! I like how varied your creativity is, Susan. Of course, the feathers is the most intriguing to me.

  15. I'm looking forward to seeing the feathers quilt finished! The colour of that jumper is lovely.

  16. Great list Susan! Best of luck with them, can't wait to see your feathers together :o)

  17. Your three sound achievable and a good variety amongst them to keep you interested.

  18. I think you can afford to not concentrate on 'sweater for Northern Hemisphere friend' just at the moment!!

  19. I've been in a finishing mood, too! Such pretty feathers. I can't wrap my brain around knitting. It must be awesome since so many people seem to love doing it. Best of luck with your finishes!

  20. Thank you for the translation! I always wondered what a jumper was. That color is luscious, I must say.

    I love what you are doing with the feathers--can hardly wait to see where this goes. And I love the embroideries--like Linda says, you have some projects of all kinds to keep you busy.



Kind comments welcome!