
Friday, October 12, 2012

Decisions, decisions.....

I have been participating in the Mouthy Stitches 


 ably organised by Cindy, Susan and Hadley.....

the back.....
I stalked my partner's Flick'r photostream and blog....

close ups......

And jumped right in!

This is what I made!

I was feeling pretty chuffed with how it looked....

Until I started seeing amazing paper pieced, 

embroidered and quilted creations on Flick'r!

So I went back to the drawing board....

the back....

And made another!

I am seriously thinking of sending both!

But I know that is against the rules!

Embroidery added to a Flying Circle of Geese block....

Why do I do this to myself!

Thank goodness making the key fob made me happy!

Key Fob made!

I know it has to be my decision....

But I'd love your feedback!

Happy days!



  1. They are both wonderful. I love the orange and the pieced panel, I adore simple piecing. But the flying geese circle is so clever! Personally, I am not into 'rainbow' piecing so if it was for me I would prefer the first one...but I would be over the moon to get either! And the key fob is just so sweet!

  2. Both of these totes are absolutely gorgeous Susan but I really love the embroidered touches on the second one!

  3. You have made me feel better. It took me a long time to start this one and I started three times before I settled on my idea. I love both of these but I especially love circles of geese and the stitching you did.

  4. You put a lot of time into both, I say you deserve to enjoy one of them yourself and your partner will love either one.

  5. I love them both. I think the second one is more technically brilliant but have a feeling that the first has little personal touches pertinent to your partner in the embroideries and fabric chosen. So really it depends on which one you think better suits your partner, as it is about that - not who did a more complicated piecing pattern. Be proud of them both!

  6. I like the first one better, but as with everything it is down to personal choice. I am sure your partner will love either of them. Love the key fob too!! Hugs

  7. on the bright side you gat to keep one and have a brillient new bag xx

  8. I know your partner will love both, I meant either!

    They are both lovely - I am veering towards the first one for you partner, and he other one for me!!

  9. Wow, what a choice, I too think they are both brilliant. And I would love either of them. No help am I?!!! Love the key fob too great work. xo

  10. I choose the first one for your partner and the second for me because we all know my soft spot for rainbows. Of course if Im your partner then both sounds great!
    Not that I'm a greedy hog or anything :)

    More seriously I've always found that first instincts are usually the best.
    It's nit a competition... Sometimes the most simple things are the most beautiful.

  11. Not that I'm calling your first tote simple .
    That didn't sound any better *sigh... You know what I mean right :)

  12. I adore the the little owls in the first one, and the colors is gorgeous...
    But those geese are great too....
    So glad it's your decade and not mine....
    They are both A.MA.ZING

  13. Can't you put photos on Flickr snd hope that your partner comments on one? They're both so wonderful and special in their own way.

  14. They're both beautiful in totally different ways. If I'm your partner I would choose the first one, but it's a tough choice because they are both fantastic!

  15. Oh for Petes Sake! Everything you do is amazing! I absolutely love that duck fabric...I have about a 6 inch square that I use only for the most special projects. Both bags are fantastic! You are such a clever girl! The key fob is too cute...great fabric again! I feel like a such a slug these days but I am energized when I look at all your lovely makes!!!

  16. Both bags are just lovely! Love your use of color...just amazing! (And your key fob is delightful, too! :) )

  17. I like them both, but like so many people I'm sure, I tend towards second guessing myself. And I know for SURE that I would do it in a situation like this. Don't be too hard on yourself.

    The key fob is fabulous! Very cute.

  18. Both your totes are stunning! Lucky partner who gets either one! And I agree with Mary. Your work is always amazing!

  19. They are both lovely. I think you should try and gauge which one your partner seems to prefer via Flickr comments. If she hasn't commented, its easy, you keep the one you prefer and send the other.

  20. I'm not in the swap. But I like the first one. It is bright and cheerful. And I like that the block is slightly above center.

  21. oh my goodness i so hope one of these is headed my way! I love the orangy bag, but the pp in the other is gorgeous. tangerine it is, though.

    love, love, love the keyfob. might make one like that for our own camper!

  22. I like both but LOVE the second one. It is brilliant, And the key fob is so cute


Kind comments welcome!