
Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Really Random Thursday....

Some snippets from my week....

Reading in the Spring Melbourne sunshine...

A new lounge suite....

Castle Tiles is there on the left... final reveal still to come!

Pity I decided to gift my Castle Tiles quilt before I 

realised what a great match it was!

Maybe I have WAY too many quilts anyway!

The fire department was called out to a false 


MrPnP made THE most delicious

 Lemoncello Tiramisu....

and I started another bag for the 

Mouthy Stitches Swap!

MS2- idea??

All in all, a great week....

What sort of week are you having?

Linking up with....

Live A Colorful Life



  1. It seems we have to make the most of the sunshine when we can at the moment. Looks like a lovely spot.
    Love the new lounge suite. Use it as an excuse for a new quilt! And, no, you can never have too many quilts.
    The bag is looking great.

  2. I'm with Karen - your lounge is stunning! I'm sure that the new Lotta range would look great with it too (I've been a naughty girl - blog post to come)

  3. New furniture. Woohoo! One day I won't have the world's ugliest sofa any more. Loving the tote bag too. Looking seriously beautiful.

  4. I too love your new furniture and clearly you have far too few quilts, they fit on one chair.

  5. Sounds like a nice week - new lounge furniture, tiramisu! I love your bag - expecially the embroidery.

  6. Great shots of your week. That tiramisu looks so yummy!! Congratulations on a new lounge suite! It's fun to see your stack of quilts.

  7. A fun set of random things there! It's nice to be able to enjoy the week. Loving the stack of quilts =D

  8. All fantastic, (not a real fire, so I can say that!)
    I had forgotten it was Thursday!

  9. Your furniture is beautiful--I love the clean lines.

    You can never have too many quilts. And that pouch is going to be gorgeous!

  10. Wow I love your new couch and chairs! Very nice and the color is looks almost charcoal. Is that right? Glad you had a chance to enjoy some sunshine. It looks lovely. And your bag for the swap is coming along very well. I love the bright colors. Fantastic stitching too ;)

  11. I'm having a good week too. Love your new furniture, a pity about the quilt, but do you have left over scraps to make something a little different?
    Love the pic of your stack of quilts.

  12. oh my gosh I have to hear more about that limoncello tiramisu! Two of my favs! (We make our own limoncello!)


Kind comments welcome!