
Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Coming to a Blog near you...

-the Travellin' Pic Stitch Blog Hop....

From 1st October - 30th November we are hopping all 

over the world,

EPP-ing in some fantastic locations.  

Check out the full list here and be sure to check out 

the other participants. 

On 30th November it's over to you to link up for a chance to win these fabulous prizes! 
Full details for competition entry can be found here.

In preparation, I had great fun looking through 

photos of my recent travels

 and making these....
A cool drink on a hot Paris morning

at this great site....

Guggenheim Museum- Bilbao Spain
A Nyons Market, France
A Metro Station, Paris
It's not my turn until 20th October....

A Melbourne Park, late Autumn
Which palette will I choose?

Which fabrics will I choose?

 And which block pieces will I use?

Kite pieces?

Pie pieces?

Pie Quilt II


or something totally new?

Be sure to pop back on 20th to find out!

I have been doing a little hand sewing....

Now waiting patiently for the postman to arrive...

Happy days....



  1. Too many questions Suz!!!!! lol, I'll sit back and wait patiently to see what you decide.

  2. This looks really fascinating. I'll definitely be back to see more.

  3. All that beautiful colour! Gorgeous!

  4. How fun! I can't wait! Love the curved pieces...I am so excited to see this!

  5. Such lovely pictures, I wonder what you will make.

  6. Autumn in Melbourne is a beautiful pallet. That sculpture in Spain looks wonderful! Look forward to seeing what you decide on.

  7. Such fun colour palettes!
    Loving the curved piecing...I'll be sure to pop back then =D


Kind comments welcome!