
Tuesday, June 14, 2016

❤︎ Not feeling the love....

I started making Glitter blocks back in January...

These were my two 'trial' blocks...

The one on the right is it's original size, the one on 

the left up-scaled somewhat.

And this is what I have ended up with...

I had mentioned to my friend Deb that I wasn't 

feeling the love...

So she suggested just making what I had into a 

baby quilt and call it done!

She also said to try white borders, but I decided I 

wanted to use fabric I already had....

The pretty aqua solid does not like having its photo 


It's a bit happier when it is resting on the batting 


I like the staggered placement of the blocks.

I think it gives them a chance to breath.

Maybe I will love it when I get round to quilting it?

Happy days!



  1. I do love the soothing colour palette you have used and the staggered placement of the glitter blocks! I have the same feeling about the 14 blocks I made in the origial size, but I don’t want to make a whole quilt, so they probably will end up in a pillow cover...

  2. I love this block but don't think I would enjoy making it. Good for you for stopping now and making a new idea - I think the finish will be nice, and then you can move on...

  3. Knowing when to let go of a project can be so difficult. It seems you've worked out how to move on as well as how to turn the unexpected lemons into lemonade. I think this setting really works for your blocks. Even if you never feel the love for this one, it still turned out nicely.

  4. Sometimes quilting just makes sense of it all. I think it looks lovely.

  5. Such a pretty finish now! I love this pattern too, but have enough scrappy WiP's in my life just now!

  6. Knowing firsthand how challenging these blocks are to make, I think it's quite admirable that you made as many as you did, and even managed to assemble them into a quilt top! Great work! I can appreciate that you're not feeling the love, but keep on with this quilt. You receive sage advice about making a baby quilt, and won't it be nice to have one less UFO. Hmm. I wonder what that feels like.

  7. I agree with Linda's observations (above) and also am happy you've found a solution for what to do with what you've created so far. I should follow your lead! I also know that sometimes quilts don't reveal themselves fully until the quilting happens, so keep going--it will be great!

  8. So often when I wasn't "feelin' the love" I ended up liking it in the end. I life the staggered rows.

  9. No point in carrying on if you don;t love it. Looks good with how you have staggered them, nobody said they had to be turned into a full sized quilt - so I'd call that a finish.

  10. I think your quilt is beautiful but I understand when you say your'e not feelin' it. I have been like that with a few of my projects.

  11. Your blocks are beautiful and they look so lovely in this setting with the aqua background fabric.

  12. Your blocks are beautiful and they look so lovely in this setting with the aqua background fabric.

  13. I was drawn to this block early on and even, finally, figured out how it worked. It is, however, helpful when someone shares the nitty gritty (as you have) and I think I'll just love it from afar. Your quilt, BTW, looks lovely as it is - I can see it finished and in use and being loved!

  14. Those angles look tricky! I really love how you set the blocks, it gives them such a fresh new feel. I like how the edges of some disappear into the background. Very pretty quilt top! I think you'll fall in love when it's quilted :) xx

  15. Whenever I don't feel the love for a project I started the blocks are hidden somewhere in a drawer or in the back of my wardrobe... But the whole thing never leaves my mind and somehow gives me a bad feeling. It is so much better to bring it to an end if you recognize that you don't love it - like you do now. Maybe someone else will love it and be happy with it... :-) To me your blocks look great, I love the fabrics and the setting of the block. I'm sure, this will be a great finish!

  16. I agree with not continuing if it is not to your liking. And I do like the solution you have come up with for the blocks already made. The layout looks good and it will be a lovely little quilt.
    Now you time for other things.

  17. I think your setting solution is brilliant. Who knows--by the time you are finished it might end up being a favorite of yours. Also, this makes me want to rethink making these blocks...

  18. What fun blocks!! but if you weren't feeling the love there's no need to push it. They look wonderful set the way you have and how good to use fabric you already had. Will you be machine or hand quilting it?

  19. I love the softer colours. Maybe, however, they are why you are not feeling the love? They are softer than your usual brights. They make a fabulous baby quilt.

  20. Ooooooh set in seams. Good for you for even doing that many. I do like the idea of a baby quilt ; )

  21. funny, I was just considering starting this quilt in a bigger size. It looks really good with the staggered setting


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