
Thursday, January 21, 2016


With the Australian Tennis Open in full swing,
Azarenka warming up this morning

there is little time for sewing....

But I thought some of my followers might enjoy a 

snapshot of my last few days....

This is a mural at Margaret Court Arena...

Can you tell who all these players are?

made up of photographs from..

who knows where?

I have been playing with this pretty "Glitter" block,

from Jen Kingwell's book "Quilt Lovely".

This array of fabric and beads will  be used for my 

"Four-in-Art" project due on 1st February.

The theme is colour, with the sub-theme of 


I spied this 'Double Wedding' patterned vase in a gift 

shop recently.

It seems quilting patterns are everywhere!

And my son and daughter-in-law arrived home

from the States,

with a couple of beautiful gifts for me!

Now what to make from this pretty bundle?

Happy days!



  1. I've been thinking of you when I saw the first reports about the Australian Open on TV! It must be so wonderful to be there and help at such a wonderful sports event!
    The glitter block looks great, I love the fabrics you've chosen. And I'm very excited what your art project will look like!
    Have fun with the new fabrics - what a wonderful gift!

  2. That mural is amazing. Would love to see it in person, but unfortunately probably not gonna happen. The tournament at Indian Wells is much closer to where I live, but I've not been there either. Coverage on TV is so good and is easy for my budget. However, seeing Roger play in person would be priceless.

  3. I hope you are enjoying the tennis. It looks like some fun quilting is happening too.

  4. I subscribe to a lot of blogs but your blog is one of a few that I always can't wait to read. Your work is always so lovely.

  5. That's a gorgeous pile of fabric - thinking about what to turn it into will give you something to do during the breaks in the tennis!

  6. I was lucky enought to watch Australian open finals in Melbourne last year :) It was super cool !!! The glitter block looks good. It's great pattern!

  7. Wow that mural is amazing, wonder how long it took to make.
    Nice to see your son again I bet, lovely pile of goodies from Purl.

  8. I forgot you volunteered at the tennis. I've been watching 12 hours a day! It starts at 1pm here, and I usually tear myself away at midnight to go to bed. I think it was 5-3 in the Ferrer vs Hewitt match last night when I had to give in. I'm sad Lleyton lost, but he put up a huge fight last night. He's a good role model for those younger Aussie bad boys. (they need one!) I know he's your David Cup captain now.

    As for the mural:
    ?? Andy Roddick, Roger Federer, Novak Djockivic, Raffa, Serena, ??, Maria Sharapova, ??, Justine Hennin?

    Love your Glitter blocks. It's on the agenda after My Small World gets finished.

  9. I'm not a sports fan so I would never have seen it without your post. Thank you so much.

  10. That mural is amazing. I am fascinated by how that is done with all those photos.
    Glad the weather is a little cooler for you now at the tennis.
    And I am pleased to see you have had some sewing time. Lovely.

  11. What a beautiful bundle of fabric. I find pictures using a series of photographs fascinating. My brother-in-law used to work at a science museum in Minnesota, and they made a picture of the outside of the museum from smaller photos of people who worked there and lots of behind-the-scenes photos. He was in the photo quite a few times. I LOVE looking at it.

  12. It's good to know they shop at the right places! Anthropologie and just can't get much better. That mural is amazing! Like the pixelated quilts. I could never wrap my brain around them, but they are fabulous!

  13. Those Glitter blocks are quite impressive (I love anything Jen Kingwell) and the Christmas gifts are the best - how thoughtful! Cannot wait to see your Feb. 1 Four-in-art reveal!

  14. The book "Quilt Lovely" should be in my mailbox by Monday, and I can't wait! You'll have to clear a half hour of your schedule so we can Skype about it. I think it's so neat that you work at the Open. And, that your son/DIL brought you back gifts from Purl Soho. It seems everyone in the world likes to go to NYC but me! Guess they missed the great snowstorm there - Snowzilla.

  15. Love your greens for the Four in Art. Color is a good theme. The bundle from Pearl Soho is lovely too.

  16. I always think of you when the tennis season comes around to Melbourne again!! That bundle is gorgeous!

  17. Looks like lots of fun in your world.
    What a great vase find!

  18. Go Susan! (on the tennis aspect) But also looks like you have a few fun things going for you as well, with the Purl Soho bundle and the sweet S and oh my-those beads and fabrics for our Four-in-Art. Can't wait to see what you'll be doing with those. Love the Kingwell block--it will be beautiful no matter what you do, as everything you do is lovely. Have fun at the Open!

  19. OOOOOOh!!! Andy Murray is in the final! Give him a wave from me if you are in the vicinity:-)


Kind comments welcome!