
Sunday, January 31, 2016

Preparing for February...

The Chuck Nohara blocks for February will be...

Elizabeth's picks...

and mine...

 #1024 needed to be enlarged by 170%,

while the others,

 the commonly used 260%. 

Now to decide the best method to construct them...

That's the hard part for me!

And I see some more Glitter blocks in my future too!

This little ruler, which Elizabeth sent me, 

 helps me mark my 1/4" pivot point for the 'y' seam!

Is anyone else making these blocks?

Happy days!



  1. I'm looking forward to seeing how you interpret these blocks! They're great blocks for expressing your own style. And the Glitter blocks are coming along so nicely!

  2. Your blocks look fantastic Susan.

  3. Your glitter blocks are so pretty - that background blue is such a lovely colour.

  4. Dare I say these blocks all look challenging. I especially love the bottom batch!

  5. They look so tricky but you have made them beautifully

  6. They are lovely but look hard.
    You do have a lot of patience.

  7. If it was me making the CN blocks I would probably foundation paper piece as much as I could and then applique the curved bits, although looking at the blocks they are only gentle curves so could probably be pieced as well, have fun.

  8. Your 'glitter' blocks look very pretty! Handy little ruler too. I use the 'needle down' option for y-seams, which also helps when stopping at that 1/4' spot & pivoting.

  9. Great glitter blocks.
    What size CN are you doing?
    Look forward to seeing.

  10. Go Glitter, go! Loving these pretty blocks, Susan and excited to see your fabric choices for the next Chuck Nohara blocks.

  11. Love those glitter blocks, I have always thought Y seams were daunting, but seeing your block broken down, it looks marginally more manageable.

  12. Chuck has a block numbered 1733? Eeek! How many blocks are in that book?!
    I have cut out a Jen Kingwell steampunk block, but I doubt I will be able to sew until mid-February now. Is that close enough to Glitter? :)

  13. I'm not making them but have enjoyed seeing them develop. It will be fun to see them all together eventually.


Kind comments welcome!