
Friday, March 6, 2015

Pacific Lime...

Version one....

Too much green?

Ah, that's better!

Those pesky points are much better 

disguised amongst the pretty DS prints!

An advantage of a design floor!

 A matching (grubby) ironing board cover!

"Pacific Lime" is now waiting to be quilted....

Happy sewing!



  1. Yes - that's much better! Gorgeous - such lovely colours! Love your design floor! I used to have one of those - but my knees struggled so I'm using a table at the moment!!Lynne.

  2. Oh wow - it's an absolutely refreshing splash of pretty. Gorgeous.

  3. Gorgeous Susan! Liked the first version, but love your final layout. So pretty with the DS prints and the solid green. How will it be quilted?

  4. oh yeah! Less is more - just lovely!

  5. Love the name! It's gorgeous

  6. Fantastic! I can't wait to see this one quilted.

  7. It was a great decision to break up the green, the colour and fabric mix is really fresh and fun. Pacific Lime is the perfect name!

  8. So pretty! I like it with more DS prints too. It really sparkles!

  9. A very good decision to go with version 2 Susan. It's gorgeous, and a great name too.

  10. Loving the lime amongst these DS prints - so beautiful!

  11. what a happy, bright beautiful quilt :-)

  12. I like the randomness of the design since you didn't go with the green in every other triangle. Very nice.

  13. Oh my goodness! Lime perfection!! I adore this!!!

  14. Just the right touch! This is a great one Susan! Have you thought about how you will quilt it?

  15. What a difference it made you yo changed the amount of green in the top. Love the end result!

  16. Love that green! This is going to be gorgeous when it's finished.

  17. Okay, so many things to like here not the least of: triangles and lime green. Lately, I've been thinking that I'd like to do some cool color schemes after so many hot ones!

  18. Lovely! I have some of these prints in the pink/yellow colorway, I didn't realize they came in blue/green, will need to look for them!

  19. This is great! I love the addition of the other green prints. It really broke up the design nicely. Plus, you'll have those other green triangles to make something else with.

  20. I never thought it was too much green, but I love the random replacement of green with pattern. It makes it more interesting somehow. I never would have thought of doing that.

  21. I liked both settings, but love your finished top! So much fun with that green. I laughed when you commented about your ironing board cover. I just noticed mine last night, and thought the same thing. Add that to the list for my Spring Break sewing, I guess.


  22. Oh dear! I don't get out much (to read blogs), but perhaps it's because I AM out too much! It's good to see you working with these fun colors. I hope you enjoyed making it, in spite of the points. You're putting me to shame as I haven't been sewing much. Teaching a a couple times a week, along with the usual activities, limits sewing time. Now, it's back to working on a SuperTote!

  23. I so love this colour combination. Reminds me of the lime green canvas keds that I wanted to have every spring, mostly because I loved how they looked against the blue of the sky when I was swinging high at school.


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