
Thursday, December 11, 2014

Rescuing Orphans....

Orphan blocks, in fact!

As my working year comes to a close, I find myself 

tidying my sewing space.

I found these two 'sample' blocks from previous 


And decided to 'make something of them'!

I've also wanted to improve my FMQ skills,

since winning this...

So after some extensive practise,

I quilted this one with 'pebbles',

or maybe snow?

A candle mat,

and a mug rug!

Linking up with Scraptastic Tuesday,

Scraptastic Tuesday

because even the bindings were scraps 

from previous projects!

How is your Christmas sewing going?

Happy sewing!



  1. Wonderful projects to use up your orphan blocks.

  2. They look fantastic. I love the border fabric on your tree block and the pebble quilting.

  3. They really turned out cute. I love the border fabric on the tree block. You do not happen to know what the line is? And the quilting looks great! Way to save those blocks.

  4. Hi Susan - good on you for giving FMQ a bit of a go. You'll find that smaller is harder than just a bit bigger... but not too big. Good re-purposing of those orphan blocks.

  5. What perfect re-purposing of those blocks... and so in seasontoo.

  6. Your quilting looks great, Suz! Those little projects are so cute, too!

  7. From orphan blocks to gorgeous mug rugs!! They look wonderful! I really like the snowy quilting!

  8. Lovely Christmassy mug rug and quilting! A great way to use those orphan blocks. The mug is a perfect match too!Lynne.

  9. Great way to use the left over blocks and well done with the quilting!

  10. It looks like you found them at just the right time! They are both lovely and Christmassy.
    Snow or pebbles. Hmmm. Snowy pebbles? OK, that's hail. Not so good. Let's call it snow!

  11. Lovely rescues! I just cleaned my work space in our living room, too. Only hand projects from now on until the new year. :)

  12. I love this kind of project! They both turned out beautiful. Great fabric too.

  13. Wonderful! Nice quilting too ; )

  14. Wonderful finished projects! Great FMQ -keep at it! Thanks for joining in the #scraptastictuesday link up!

  15. Sweet!!! I love the "snow" you quilted!!! I've heard lots of good things about that book. Seems like it's already working for you:)

  16. These are so cute. I love the quilting you did.

  17. Those blocks are too cute to be left in the bottom of the fabric bin! Hehe! I have, also, re-purposed some projects. In fact, you may be seeing one soon! Hope you have a nice weekend!

  18. Ah, you clever thing, you, to use up the orphans in such a cute fashion (of course, you've got to have cute orphan blocks to start with!). I think your pebbles look great. I found that if I "stitch-outlined" all my shapes after quilting the background, they would really pop a little better out of the background. So I use Sandra Leichner's method of stitching the background up to the shape (in your case, a tree) then after that, stitching all around the tree. It really adds a lovely touch, but you probably already knew that.

    I've got a few more stitching projects before I can wrap it up for the year, but hopefully I'll be done soon!

    Merry Christmas, to you and yours--

  19. What a fantastic project for orphan blocks. Love the trees and your star. Thank you so much for linking up with Ho Ho Ho And On We Sew. Merry Christmas Susan! xxx

  20. I'm finally catching up on my blog reading. These are very cute scrap projects. Now if I can find some time to blog...Happy New Year


Kind comments welcome!