
Wednesday, October 8, 2014

WIPs Wednesday- October edition

Despite all good intentions, my holiday sewing plans 

were curtailed by three days in bed!

So nothing much new to show....

except some shopping and planning 

Thanks Suz for your fabric contributions!
some more hexies-

some hand quilting-

and one new block!

This block is one real scrap buster!

Scraptastic Tuesday on a Wednesday!

I think I need to make some more....

Happy sewing!



  1. Oh how I wish Spotlight is closer than 50 klm's away!
    I absolutely adore your hexies, they are stunning, my favourite colours! Looking forward to seeing your finished medallion quilt.

  2. I love that bundle!!! and those hexies! such gorgeous colours. Youre getting to the outer borders with your quilting. I definitely think you should make more of those flowers.

  3. I hope you are feeling better now! How nice to see you joining in the scraptastic fun!

  4. Loving your hexies. they are my favourite shape to work with in my own work. If this is what you do when you aren't on top form, you must be a human dynamo when you're well! xCathy

  5. That stack of blues and greens is wonderful! And of course, I always enjoy seeing the variety of your projects in progress.

  6. Love your hexies. and your hand quilting on a circle, perfect! Fell better!

  7. Oh my, what beautiful fabric/colors! That new block is so much fun. I hope you're feeling better now!

  8. I spy some hexies! Beautiful blocks

  9. That stack of fabric looks so great...wondering what lovely you have planned.......hope the creepy crud has left you alone by now.

  10. Hope you are feeling better. The fabric is so so gorgeous. I have it all in the pinks but the blues and greens---wow. Your hand quilting is fabulous!!

  11. Well, you musn't have been too ill, to get all that done! I adore your new fabrics, and I'm happy to see you working on hexies. Do you know how you're going to join all those hexie flowers? I need to come up with a new EPP project. If you have any suggestions, please let me know.

  12. Sorry to hear you were laid up. So many lovelies to show though. I like them all.

  13. All such pretty projects! I love these colours.

  14. Oh I really want those DS quilts prints in the special Australian color way! Any chance you'd ever want to do a swap?


Kind comments welcome!