
Thursday, October 2, 2014

I'm published!

My project is in the October edition of 

"Homespun" magazine!

Oakshott Scraps from my friend Cindy @Live A Colorful Life

I first received an email from the editor early in 

November 2013!

Yes, that was eleven months ago!

I redesigned a block from an 

old quilt blocks book-

The block was called "Dusty Miller".

Pardon the scribblings....

I made some subtle changes

and used modern day 

foundation piecing techniques!

Oh, that's blurry!

 I echo quilted around the design, 

And I forgot to take any photos of the finished item

before I sent it off in March!

Nearly perfect points!

So here are some photos from the magazine!

If you decide to make my block or bag,

I'd love to see it!

I think a series of these blocks would make a great 

quilt too....

And as extra encouragement, I am happy to send a 

copy of the magazine to one of my faithful followers!

If you have left a comment on my blog in the last six 

months, and would like a copy, 

leave me a comment on today's post-

tell me how you'd make my Dusty Miller block more 


I will pick a winner in a week or so....

Happy sewing!



  1. congrats! that's so lovely. I don't know if I've commented before, but I follow and enjoy your blog. I would do the block in solids too, in cool colors with gray I think?

  2. Don't pick me, cuz I doubt I've commented, but I had to say how much I love your block and bag - the linen is such a nice touch! Congrats on the publishing!

  3. Ohhhh! Love it! And I am sooooo happy for you! Susan, your piecing and editing skills are top notch! You are the real deal! Sooooo happy for you, friend :) I actually would love to make this block....but yours looks so good! I guess if I did it today I would use a subtle text background and maybe some cotton and steel basics. But I don't think I could improve on looks fabulous!

  4. Love your block! I have some brights that I think would look great in that design.

  5. Congratulations!! It's a gorgeous block and gorgeous bag. Hoping my copy is waiting in my PO Box.

  6. So happy to have the teensiest part--Oakshotts are so beautiful and this is a fabulous block. So happy that you are published!!

  7. CONGRATULATIONS Suz!!! this is such a fun block, and the bag is great. I have never paper pieced, so I'd have to get that figured out before planning a project.

  8. Congratulations, that's awesome. Great block and it looks lovely on the bag.

  9. Look at you! I am so thrilled for you! How very exciting. It is a beautiful block. Big congrats!

  10. Your bag looks so great, Susan!! Congrats on your matter how long it took! I have no idea what i would do to make changes as I really like the solids for that block....very awesome!

  11. Congratulations Suz!!! What a great block, it looks wonderful as a bag, are you tempted to make a quilt of them?

  12. I like Mary's idea of using a text print for the background - and I can't go past soft blues, greens and greys for the triangles. But I'd use it for an offcentre feature on a queen size quilt, with some gorgeous straight line quilting (if I could do it!) Congratulations on having a project published! Did they just approach you out of the blue on account of you being so wonderful??

  13. Such great news Suz - what a blast to see your project in Homespun!!
    As for changing the block to be more me - I'd have to go with a colour gradation (radiating out from the centre), I wouldn't be able to help myself!

  14. Congrats! That is really cool! I love the block with the Oakshotts, but another thought would be with a LV background...that's my thought right now.

  15. Congratulations !! Thrilled for you !! xx

  16. Well done! I like Homespun magazine, and it is the one local mag I still regularly buy. Even the paper feels nice. Make sure you get extra copies for family!
    Of course, I would personalise the bag by making it pink or red and adding flowers and maybe dots. I think I still have the mind of a 7-year-old girl. :)

  17. That's a beautiful bag! Congrats on being published! Yay!!!

  18. Wowee, a huge congrats, that's so exciting!! And such a gorgeous design, I love it! xo

  19. Great design and it made a fabulous bag. Enjoy the buzz!!!

  20. Congrats - so thrilled for you :-) I would have to go for a rainbow!

  21. Love your block Susan and congratulations on being published! The fabrics you used are perfect. I maybe would use some low volume background along with OUR favorite turquoise and orange prints!

  22. CONGRATULATIONS!! What a gorgeous block and what a perfectly wonderful tote bag. I'm so happy for you and so glad that you got your creation into a magazine -- hooray!

    I'm all smiles over here. . .
    :) Elizabeth

  23. Congratulations, Susan! What a beautiful modern take on this vintage block! Makes for a striking tote bag and I can easily picture a lovely table runner or a pillow made from this design. So pretty!

  24. Massive congrats Susan, what a fabulous block! The bag looks amazing.

  25. Wow, I am so pleased for you and what a beautiful block and bag!

  26. Your famous! Congrats Susan. Have a great weekend

  27. Congratulations! This is exciting news. Your project looks great. I am waiting for my subscription copy to arrive so I can see it in person.
    I do hope there are more published projecta to come. Well done.

  28. Perfect work, perfect regard. Congratulations :)

  29. Congratulation! What a wonderful block in a wonderful bag.

  30. will have to see if I can find the mag.......looks good........

  31. Congrats on the publication! The bag and block look great!

  32. Oh Susan! This is beautiful! It's nice of you to share how you adapted an old design to come up with this modern creation. It's really lovely! I hope you get a lot of attention from being in print like this. You sure know how to design!

  33. Yay congratulations you must be really chuffed. Love the block too, so clever!!

  34. Congratulations on your publication. It's a beauty

  35. I love this! Are you by chance selling your paper pieced pattern? I would love to use this in a shirt project that I am working on.

  36. Is this still available?


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