
Monday, September 29, 2014

Around the World Blog Hop!

My best blogging friend Mary 
@ Molly Flanders Makerie twisted my arm 
to participate in the "Around the World" Blog Hop! 
(Apologies to my other friends who asked me- the school holidays has freed up my time)
Here are the questions I have been charged with answering: 
1) What I am working on?
1.    My Museum Medallion hand pieced/hand quilted monster! 

2.    EPP Hexies- this one I come back to when I have more colours in my stash.

3.    A series of Polaroid calendars, with just two months to go.....

4.    Shelburne Tartan Quilt which still needs quilting.....

5.    And numerous other 'secret' projects!

2) How does my work differ from others its genre?
 I don't think my work does differ in any significant way. I do put a lot of my love and effort into my work. I don't often create my own designs but I do try to put my own 'twist' on everything I create, whether its my eclectic colour or fabric choices or maybe the final layout of a quilt.  It's different because it's mine!

"Bricolage"- a modern sampler- 2012

3) Why do I write/create what I do?
 I create because I love to! I have always made stuff- dolls' clothes, my own clothes. I've tried cross stitch, redwork, even botanical art! When quilting, I like to challenge myself with new techniques and try to learn something with every quilt I make.  I also love to share my work with family and friends.
4) How does my writing/creative process work?
"Almost A Rainbow" - 2013

This is tricky one! I have sleepless nights where I plot and plan, waiting for the creative process to kick in!  I 'pin' lots of ideas, enjoy sorting through my stash for interesting colour and fabric combinations, and continue to read quilt books and other blogs for inspiration.  Sometimes it is a slow process, but you can't force it. My mantra for 2014 is "savour every stitch".  So although a finished product can be a long time coming, you can't force the creative process.

Thanks for stopping by!

Happy sewing!



  1. I really enjoyed hearing your answers to these questions, and I savoured every photo. :) Your work is always so beautiful!!

  2. I love how much variety there is across your projects, Suz. Different colour themes, shapes, quilting methods - it's really amazing. Thanks for sharing your processes!

  3. There is not a project pictured that I do not think is beautiful.

  4. I agree with Kirsty, I love that you have such variety in the colours, styles etc in your projects. I also really love your work, you produce such beautiful bright quilts, with such gorgeous colour combinations and designs.

  5. I just love everything you make! It is evident that a lot of thought and care goes into each project. Add to that the fact that you have such perfect piecing and quilting and it makes for a winning combination! Loved reading your responses...thanks friend!

  6. It's true, you can't force the creative process. But it's obvious that you're always ready when everything comes together, because look at all your beautiful projects! They clearly tell your unique story and express your vision. I love that!

  7. You do have such a signature style even if your quilts cover a broad range of designs. Thanks for sharing!

  8. Though I didn't dare take on the challenge of posting, I am enjoying seeing the wonderful posts of my blogging friends. I love the variety of your work.

  9. So nice to see all you have in the works. Also to learn more about another bee mate. I like all the variety of what you do and your willingness to try new things. As I read more of these hop posts it seems we all say we have to create because we love it. It's truly in our blood. And I so relate to sleepless nights of thinking about quilting. When it happens to me I usually get up and read to get my mind off of quilting so I'll get sleepy.

  10. I was gone for the weekend so I am catching up. I so enjoy your blog and your work. You have such a way with color. Your projects just make me smile. Thank you for sharing you.

  11. Lovely Susan. The first quilt looks amazing as do they all
    ; )

  12. Your color choices are so wonderful. All of your projects are great. Hand quilting...woah!

  13. I think "savor every stitch" should go somewhere -- like on the front of my sewing machine! I loved reading your ATW entry and always always love seeing your Almost a Rainbow quilt one more time. You are certainly an inspiration for me!


  14. It is lovely to see so many of your quilts at once. They are always so creative and inspiring.

  15. No need to be in a hurry when you make things as lovely as these.

  16. I loved reading the answers to all of the questions, Susan. I admire your creations so much!

  17. It's so nice to see all your WIPs. I'm impressed with the hand quilting you make time to do. Interesting that you use #12-weight thread. It certainly makes a pretty contrast to the fabric. I'm glad you had time to participate it this, because it's great to lear just a little more about you.

  18. Your quilts are all so beautiful!

  19. I really love the tartan quilt, Ive not seen it before x

  20. I love your Shelburne Tartan Quilt--I am especially love scrappy quilts. Could you please share where I could buy the pattern for this quilt?


Kind comments welcome!