
Saturday, August 16, 2014


Back in late May I received some fabric from 

P&B Textiles....

look at that cute red door!

I was particularly drawn to the black, white and grey 

range called Illustrations 2, and began planning!

I knew I wanted to feature the terrace houses, 

so I carefully cut them out and added one inch red 

borders onto two sides of each one.

I also knew I wanted to keep the prints large, to 

show them off properly!

So I chose a four inch by four and half inch block to 

join everything together.

I had ten 'whole' terrace houses, 

but couldn't quite make it work....

So I found the scraps I had left would allow me to 

'cobble' together one more terrace section,
Two of the three terrace scraps on the right hand side....

with a whole red strip to bring it up 

to the required size.

Of course, cobbles are also used to pave roads, 

so the name is quite appropriate, don't you think?

I have used the rest of the fat quarters to piece a 


It finishes at lap size = 42" X 53"

I am looking forward to quilting this one.

Happy days,



  1. How cool, Suz, I can't wait to see the quilting - are you thinking hand or machine? I love that red door too. I'd love to have a feature door like that for real. One day, one day!

  2. Really cool idea with the reds. They accenturate the black and white perfectly. Not to much, not too little :)

  3. I love the red door! It makes me miss my Gothic Melbourne cottage's red door. Sniff.

  4. fun quilt. That is a great fabric!

  5. I like this fabric! I often pass black and white fabric by...but that red door makes this very special. I like the way you put this together! The red is almost like a pathway meandering through the quilt! Congrats on the win too!

  6. What a wonderful idea! Love the red door. Can't wait to see it all quilted.

  7. I'm anxious to see this in its fullness. Great job

  8. oh this is so interesting! I love what you've done with the red and look forward to seeing it all quilted up!

  9. That is a great fabric line. I love what you did with the houses. I agree, great prints you do not want to cut too small. I think of red as a neutral, a great place for your eyes to rest. Just love it!

  10. This is looking fun. I love black and white and red.

  11. Cool idea! Love the addition of the red solid and the way you feature the terrace houses. Can't wait to see how you will quilt this.

  12. Yes! I love these colors. So clever to 'cobble' that last square. It's perfect.

  13. The framing of the Terrace houses is perfect - black, white and red is always a fab combo!

  14. Looking forward to seeing this one finished - lots for the eye to play with amongst the prints.

  15. Lovely way to use this fabric. It looks great!

  16. Love that fabric and how your added the red.

  17. Oh, you clever girl, you! What a creative quilt!

  18. Brilliant! Love the way the fabric pattern suggests what one does next! Creativity at its best! xCathy

  19. I've always wanted to make a B&W quilt. Yours looks good

  20. That red really makes the quilt snap, crackle and pop! Great use of a large-print fabric. I don't think I'd want to cut it up into bitsy pieces, either.



Kind comments welcome!