
Thursday, January 17, 2013

Tennis-3, Sewing-1

After three shifts at the Australian Tennis Open....
Before the crowds descended on Monday....

Tuesday evening...
Wednesday, 5pm
 Wednesday, 7pm
Sometimes this is the only view of the tennis I get!

I've had little time and even less energy to sew!

I did, however manage to finish my skirt on 


(Better photos coming!)

and, yesterday, start another for my sister!

This skirt pattern from "Sew Serendipity" is SO 


Clear instructions, excellent diagrams and accurate 

pattern pieces!

I can highly recommend it!

I have today off, so I'm off to sew....

I'll see you after my next three shifts!

Happy days!



  1. Great skirt! So fresh and summery, and I really like the contrasting piping(?). Your sister's one looks like it will be really cute too. Good luck with getting lots of sewing done today! I have been enjoying the Open from my comfortable spectator position on the couch - what does your job there involve?

  2. I love that spotty fabric - and it looks great on! Hope your feet get a well earned rest :o)

  3. Very cute skirt! It screams summer, which it clearly is NOT here. haha

  4. Love your new skirt! :)

    I bet you are glad you are not at the tennis today with the heat we have right now! Hope you are keeping cool.
    I've been enjoying the tennis from home.

  5. It's tennis, tennis and more tennis here at home too - thanks to Foxtel! Something for Fred to do!

    Love the skirt. I have the book, had better dig it out and check out that pattern.

    Too hot for sewing here at present,

    Apparently I've been showing up as a no reply blogger - blame the google + thing! I think I've fixed it - let me know if I'm still the invisible woman!!

  6. Lovely skirt. Hope you don't get too hot at the tennis. I don't know how the players do it in this heat

  7. That skirt is great! And it looks fabulous on you! You are so tan....and I am so pale!

  8. the skirt is very nice. So you're a tennis fan, huh? Enjoy

  9. Oh I love that skirt you made! One day I will get my courage up for a little clothing creation.

  10. Now this looks like you have had the best days for the weather and missed the hot one today? Hope you have the same plan for next week.
    Great skirt, and lucky sister!

  11. I LOVE your super snazzy skirt, and you look so good in it! Long shifts at the tennis must wear you out. enjoy your sewing moments.

  12. Oooh I love your skirt!! How long is it? Does it cover knobbly knees? The tennis looks great - you are even making me ever so slightly miss the heat :-D

  13. Super cute skirt! The fabric you picked is perfect!

  14. Looks like you are having the most perfect summer!

  15. Great skirt enjoy the tennis I was thinking of you this morning as some cyclist rode past whirl I was watering.

  16. Lovely skirt, and enjoy the tennis!

  17. Tell Roger I love him! :-)

    Super. Cute. Skirt.

  18. That fabric was a great choice for your skirt, it looks fabulous.

  19. That fabric was a great choice for your skirt, it looks fabulous.

  20. Love the skirt. Enjoy your shifts.

  21. The skirt looks lovely on you. The fabric is cute. Enjoy the tennis. I'm currently watching Monfils and Simon battle out loooooong rallies!

  22. Love the skirt. I used to work at the cricket, parking cars, and never saw any cricket...just cars!


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