
Monday, January 21, 2013

Q is for...


(This is a little paper pieced block- all 5" of it!)

With Mr. PnP away on a cycling trip....

and two more mid-week Tennis shifts for me,

it's pretty quiet around here!

I have managed to get "Trip Trap" together...

I decided to go with the conventional layout...

Nice to have it together, really!

I hope to get a bit more sewing done tomorrow!

What are you working on this week?

Happy sewing!



  1. I've finally settled on a background and centre circle for the dresden fan... although now I need to wait for a package in the post. In the meantime I've got two more blocks fused for My Tweets... I feel a blog post coming on!

  2. I agree - that IS a perfect 'q.'

    I am also working on the scrappy trip and also decided on a traditional layout after getting a "nope, I like the other one better" from my mum when auditioning layouts this afternoon. I really should stop asking for opinions. ;-) Your trip is beautiful!

  3. Sweet q. Love your Trip Trap and what a great name!! I finished my top yesterday, 56 blocks!

  4. Oh Suz! Both of your projects are great! Love that little "q" though I can bet it took a bit of time to put together. And that Scrappy Tripalong is just great! I love the colors and... well, scrappiness of it. You're making excellent use of your quiet time.

  5. Cute little "q"! What is it for? Your scrappy trip along looks great - so nice and bright! I spent some time sewing with a friend this weekend and she was making a scrappy trip along with actual scraps, and loving remembering all the quilts she had made with those fabrics. Made me look forward to the time I have a decent scrap stash!

  6. We all need that 'q' from time to time - enjoy it Susan :-)

  7. susan, I love the fabrics you used for this quilt. So really makes the design shine through. The 'q' is quite cute...or is that qute...hee hee!

  8. ooo! love the colors you're using in your trip :)

  9. Gorgeous trip top. I ALMOST jumped on the bandwagon yesterday, then ended up going a different direction. It's only a matter of time....

  10. Love the "q"! I have so far resisted the scrappy trip along but know it's just a matter of time. Love your blocks and the conventional layout.

  11. Cute q and loving the Trip Trap; enjoy the quiet xxx

  12. Trip trap looks great!! Hope Mr PnP is enjoying his riding. You enjoy your quiet time!!

  13. Ooh the 'q' is looking great! Can't wait to see how the rest of it comes together!

  14. The Q is so perfect...just like the Trip Trap. Hope you are enjoying the varied pace of life right now!

  15. Im loving your scrappy trip along!

  16. Enjoy that quiet! The Q is lovely as is the Trip Trap.

  17. did you do a 6x6 layout? It looks great! This might be one of my most favorite quilts. I might make another not scrappy version


Kind comments welcome!